IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3
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IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3

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 IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3 - TDP IELTS
              IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3 – TDP IELTS

Xem thêm: Lộ trình học IELTS từ 0 đến 6.5  cho người mới bắt đầu

Reading Test 3.1: The Concept of Intelligence

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3.1 

Topic: Psychology



Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
perceive (v) perceivable (adj): có thể nhận thây được feel, scent, sense, realize disregard, ignore, neglect dimly perceive

be widely perceived

evaluate (v) evaluation (n): sự đánh giá estimate, rate, value, judge   evaluate the performance
determine (v) determination (n): sự quyết tâm

determined (adj): quyết tâm

verify, find out, uncover    
supplementation (n) supplement (n): thành phần bổ sung

supplement (v): bổ sung

addition, enhancement decline, downfall  
official (n) official (adj): chính thức officeholder, officer, public servant   prominent officials

local officials

emergence (n) emerge (v): nổi lên

emergency (adj):  khẩn cấp

appearance, arrival, beginning end, completion, finish the emergence of a dynamic economy

encourage the emergence

elite (n) elite (adj): xuất sắc, ưu tú high-grade, upper class, special   a member of an elit
specialized (adj) specialize (v): chuyên về

specialization (n): sự chuyên môn hóa

especial, exclusive, limited general, common highly specialized skills

narrowly specialized subjects

 IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3 - TDP IELTS
              IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3 – TDP IELTS

Reading Test 3.2: Saving bugs to find new drugs

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3.2

Topic: Medicine



Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
pharmaceutical (adj) pharmacist (n): dược sĩ

pharmacy (n): nhà thuốc

cure, drug, medication,    
ancestor (n) ancestry (n): tổ tiên forefather, foremother descendant a distant ancestor
isolate (v) isolate (n): cách ly

isolated (adj): bị cô lập

isolation (n): sự cô lập

lock, restrict, desegregate, integrate  
diversity (n) diversify (v): đa dạng hóa

diverse (adj): đa dạng

variety, variation   preserve biological diversity

encourage cultural diversity

realization (n) realize (v): nhận ra achievement   come to the realization
resistance (n) resist (v): chống lại

resistant (n): có sức kháng cực, chống lại

defiance, opposition obedience

acceptance, approval

fierce resistance

build up the resistance

organism (n)        
evolution (n) evolutionary (adj): thuộc tiến hóa development, expansion, growth, progress downfall, regress, decline historical evolution

the theory of evolution

remarkable (adj) remark (v): lưu ý, nhận xét significant, brilliant, noticeable normal, ordinary, unremarkable  
therapeutic (adj) therapy (n): sự chữa trị

therapist (n): nhà trị liệu

curative, healing, medicinal poisonous, toxic  
secrete (v)   bury, hide, conceal display, exhibit, absorb  
ubiquity (n) ubiquitous (adj): có mặt khắp nơi      
infrequently (adj) frequency (n): tần số

frequent (adj): thường xuyên

little, rarely, seldom frequently,  often, usually  
captivity (n) captivate (v): quyến rũ prison, confinement freedom, independence, liberty be held in captivity

be released from captivity

associate (v) association (n): sự kết hợp, đoàn thể company, group, connect avoid, disjoin, split  
desirable (adj) desirability (n): sự đáng khao khát

desire (v): khao khát

wanted, required undesirable highly desirable

intensely desirable

commercial (adj) commerce (n): thương mại

commercial (n): quảng cáo

corporate, marketable nonsalable tv commercial
precedent (n) precedence (n): quyền ưu tiên

precede (v): đi trước, nói trước

advance, early, initial after, later. subsequent set a dangerous precedent
 IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3 - TDP IELTS
           IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3 – TDP IELTS

Tìm hiểu thêm:

Reading Test 3.3: The power of play

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 3.3

Topic: Psychology

  1. Vocabulary


Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
intense (adj) intensity (n): cường độ

intensive (adj): chuyên sâu

deep, profound, heavy light, moderate, soft  
circumstance (n) circumstantial (adj): tường tận, chi tiết event, incident, occasion   tragic circumstance

according to circumstances

under no circumstances

component (n)   element, factor, ingredient   a common component

a standard component

powerful (adj) power (n): sức mạnh, quyền lực potential, significant, strong


weak, insignificant, powerless a politically powerful figure
negotiation (n) negotiate (v): đàm phán deal, settlement   be under negotiation

a matter for negotiation

observation (n) observe (v): quan sát awareness,



disregard, neglect a direct observation

a close observation

pleasure (n) pleasant (adj): hạnh phúc

please (v): làm vui lòng

happiness, delight, enjoyment sadness, misery, discontent endless pleasure

the pleasures of life

mastery (n) master (v): thành thạo proficiency, expertise incompetency technical mastery

show complete mastery of sth

voluntary (adj) volunteer (n): tình nguyện viên

volunteer (v): tình nguyện

freewill, willing, unforced compulsory, forced, obligatory completely voluntary
orientation (n) orientate (v): định hướng exposure, instruction    
interaction (n) interact (v): tương tác

interactive (adj): mang tính tương tác

collaboration, cooperation, share    
promote (v) promotion (n): sự thăng chức, xúc tiến raise, encourage remove, degrade promote economic growth

promote commitment

autonomy (n) autonomous (adj): tự trị choice, free will, liberty   cultural autonomy

gain greater autonomy

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