IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2
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IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2

Dưới đây là IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2. Học thêm những từ dưới đây cùng TDP IELTS nhé.

IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2 - TDP IELTS
                IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2 – TDP IELTS

Xem thêm: Lộ trình học IELTS từ 0 đến 6.5 cho người mới bắt đầu

Reading Test 2.1: Could urban engineers learn from dance?

IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2

Cam 15. Test 2.1 – Topic: Architecture



Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
sustainable (adj) sustain (v): duy trì maintain, continue, keep    
consumption (n) consume (v): tiêu thị

consumer (n): người tiêu thụ

eating, intake, ingesting conservation fuel consumption

boost the consumption of sth

consumption expenditure

essential (adj) essence (n): bản chất crucial, important unimportant  
emphasis (n) emphasize (v): nhấn mạnh stress   a shift of emphasis

put a great emphasis on

stimulate (v) stimulation (n): sự kích thích encourage, arouse, motivate dampen, reduce  
influential (adj) influence (n): sự ảnh hưởng powerful, important, prominent ineffectual  
separation (n) seperate (v): chia cắt division, disconnection merge physical seperation
limitation (n) limit (n): giới hạn

limit (v): hạn chế

boundary, termination   remove the limitation

financial limitation

purely (adv) pure (adj): tinh khiết clarified, clean    
IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2 - TDP IELTS
                IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2 – TDP IELTS

Reading Test 2.2: Should we try to bring extinct species back to life?

IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2

Cam 15. Test 2.2 – Topic: Biology

  WF Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
legendary (adj) legend (n): truyền thuyết myth, tale    
ambitious (adj) ambition (n): tham vọng determined, motivated    
fertilise (v) fertilization (n): việc bón phân/ thụ tinh enrich, nourish, impregnate    
abundant (adj) abundance (n): sự dồi dào plentiful, rich scarce, lack  
pioneering (adj) pioneer (n): người tiên phong revolutionary, inventive    
resident (n) residence (n):nơi cư trú

residential (adj): thuộc dân cư

tenant, dweller, inhabitant    
reverse (v) reversal (adj): đảo ngược opposite, contrary   rapidly reverse

put sth in reverse

identical (adj)   same, alike different, distinct genetically identical
complicated (adj) complicate (v): làm phức tạp

complication (n): sự phức tạp

complex simple  
replacement (n) replace (v): thay thế

replaceable (adj): có thể thay thế

    come on as a replacement

be in need of replacement

ecosystem (n)        
disturbance (n) disturb (v): quấy rầy trouble, disruption, distraction   unacceptable disturbance

suffer from violent disturbance

resistance (n) resistant (adj): kháng cự, chống lại fight, batlle, struggle acceptance build up resistance to sth
relative (n)   family member    
priority (n) prioritize (v): ưu tiên importance, significance   order of priority
emission (n)   release, discharge absorption acid emission

to cut vehicle emissions

debate (v) debate (n): cuộc thảo luận discussion, argument, dispute   win a debate

be debated openly

hazard (n) hazardous (adj): nguy hiểm dangerous, risky, unsafe safe health hazard

exposure to a hazard

IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2 - TDP IELTS
               IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2 – TDP IELTS

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Reading Test 2.3: Having a laugh

IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2

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Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
humour (n) humorous (adj): hài hước funny, amusing lame, tedious, boring be in a good humour
remarkable (adj) remark (v): đánh dấu catchy, noticeable, prominent average, ordinary  
indigenous (adj)   native, original, local   truly indigenous
replicate (v) replication (n): sự tái tạo duplicate, repeat, reproduce    

Lời kết 

Trên đây là IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2. Hy vọng những từ vựng IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 2 sẽ giúp đỡ được bạn trong kỳ thi IELTS. Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm một trung tâm IELTS chất lượng, TDP sẽ là một lựa chọn đáng tin cậy đấy.

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