IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 4
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IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 4

Dưới đây là IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 4. Cùng học thêm những từ vựng IELTS Academic cùng TDP IELTS nhé.

IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 4 - TDP IELTS
              IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 4 – TDP IELTS

Xem thêm: Lộ trình học IELTS từ 0 đến 6.5 cho người mới bắt đầu

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Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
fragile (adj) fragility (n): sự yếu ớt, mỏng manh frail, weak, feeble strong, firm  
remedy (n) remedial (adj): dùng để điều trị, chữa bệnh


medicine, therapy, cure, treatment   herbal remedy

traditional remedy

habitat (n) habitant (n): dân cư

habitation (n): nơi cư trú

home, environment, territory   endangered habitat

provide a habitat

protect wildlife habitats

heritage (n) heritable (adj): có thể di truyền inheritance, property   common heritage

cultural heritage

pride (n) proud (adj): tự hào     hurt s.b’s pride

have a fierce pride

restoration (n) restore (v): hồi phục

restorative (adj): giúp hồi phục sức khỏe

return, reestablishment abolition extensive restoration

restoration project

be in need of restoration

attempt (v) attempt (n): sự nỗ lực effort, try   make an attempt

a desperate attempt

counteract (v) counteraction (n): sự chống lại oppose, resist obey, follow  
confine (v) confinement (n): sự giam cầm

confined (adj): bị giới hạn

restrain, limit restrict, imprison release. discharge, free strictly confine

confine the attention to sth


IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 4 - TDP IELTS
               IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 4 – TDP IELTS

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Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
interpret (v) interpretation (n): sự phiên dịch, giải thích

interpreter (n): người phiên dịch

interpretable (adj): có thể giải thích được

clarify, depict, translate   liberally interpret

cautiously interpret

clearly interpret

substitute (v) substitution (n): sự thay thế

substitute (n): người/ vật thay thế

replace exchange, switch, swap maintain, stay, remain, keep, hold a poor substitute

serve as a substitute

command (n) commandant (n): sĩ quan chỉ huy order, instruction, suggestion   obey a command

the military high command

authority (n) authorize (v): ủy quyền government   education authorities

the local authority

demonstrate the  authority

IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 4 - TDP IELTS
              IELTS reading vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 15 Reading Test 4 – TDP IELTS

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Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
circumstance (n) circumstantial (adj): chi tiết, thuộc về hoàn cảnh occasion, event, context   suspicious circumstances

economic circumstances

maximize (v) maximization (n): sự phóng đại cực hạn expand, enlarge, boost minimize  
official (n)   officer, public servant   prominent official

high-ranking official

regulation (n) regulate (v): điều hòa

regulator (n): người điều chỉnh

conduct, control, guidance   enforce the regulation

economic regulation

obligation (n) obligate (v): bắt buộc duty, responsibility, task, role   moral obligation

fulfil the obligation

legal (adj) legacy (n): gia tài, di sản licit, alllowed, valid illegal perfectly legal
declare (v) declaration (n): lời tuyên bố, sự tuyên bố announce, proclaim, publish conceal, hide formally declare

proudly declare

ultimate (adj)   final, last, basic first, initial  
destructive (adj) destruction (n): sự phá hủy damaging, detrimental, harmful constructive environmentally destructive policies

destructive behaviour

politician (n) politicize (v): chính trị hóa official, statesman, representative   influential politician

leading politician

unprofitable (adj) profit (n): lợi nhuận

profitable (adj): sinh lợi, lãi

profitability (n): sự lời lãi, có lợi nhuận

nonprofit, useless, fruitless, unhelpful valuable, beneficial  
enforce (v) enforcement (n): sự thúc ép, bắt buộc

enforceable (adj): có thể thi thành

impose, require optional strictly enforce the rules
transmit (v) transmittable (adj): có thể truyền được convey, spread, transfer   transmit the disease

transmit the virus

infected (adj) infect (v): truyền nhiễm

infection (n): sự nhiễm trùng, bệnh truyền nhiễm

poison, sick, ill healthy, fresh, clean be infected with the virus
moral (adj) moralize (v): răn dạy

morality (n): đạo đức, đạo lý

ethical, honorable immoral  

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