Tổng hợp từ vựng IELTS Speaking Vocabulary theo 31 chủ đề phổ biến nhất  - TDP
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Tổng hợp từ vựng IELTS Speaking Vocabulary theo 31 chủ đề phổ biến nhất 

Trong quá trình học tiếng Anh, từ vựng chắc chắn là một phần không thể thiếu để bước gần hơn đến khả năng thành thục ngôn ngữ này. Đặc biệt với kỳ thi IELTS, IELTS Speaking Vocabulary là 1 trong 4 tiêu chí ảnh hưởng to lớn đến số điểm của bạn trong phần thi IELTS Speaking.

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - TDP IELTS
IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Tổng hợp từ vựng theo 31 chủ đề phổ biến nhất

Nhận thấy nhu cầu ôn Speaking IELTS  đang dần tăng, TDP IELTS xin gửi đến bạn bộ tài liệu IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Tổng hợp từ vựng theo 31 chủ đề phổ biến nhất. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu và tải về nhé!

IELTS là gì?

IELTS viết tắt cho International English Language Testing System, là Hệ thống Kiểm tra Anh ngữ Quốc tế với 4 kỹ năng Nghe, Nói, Đọc và Viết. Hiện nay, IDP và British Council đang là  đơn vị tổ chức kỳ thi IELTS tại Việt Nam.

Cấu trúc bài thi IELTS Speaking

Một bài thi IELTS Speaking thường khéo dài khoảng 15 phút và bao gồm 3 phần:

  • Phần 1: trả lời những câu hỏi về chủ đề như: gia đình, sở thích,…
  • Phần 2: Giám khảo sẽ đưa ra cho bạn 1 chủ đề nhất định, sau một khoảng thời gian chuẩn bị, bạn sẽ độc thoại về chủ đề đó.
  • Phần 3: Giám khảo sẽ hỏi sâu hơn về những câu hỏi liên quan đến phần 2 đã nêu.

Giám khảo sẽ đánh giá thí sinh dựa trên 4 yếu tố:

Tải trọn bộ IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Tổng hợp từ vựng theo 31 chủ đề phổ biến nhất 

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Tổng hợp từ vựng theo 31 chủ đề phổ biến nhất là bộ tài liệu được biên soạn bởi đội ngũ học thuật TDP IELTS, Cựu giám khảo IELTS và giáo viên IELTS 8.0+. Bộ tài liệu này sẽ cung cấp cho bạn hơn 640 từ vựng học thuật được sử dụng trong kỳ thi IELTS Speaking hỗ trợ bạn cải thiện band điểm dễ dàng hơn. Ngoài ra, mỗi từ vựng sẽ được bổ sung những từ, cụm từ liên quan cùng ví dụ giúp bạn dễ hiểu hơn.

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Tổng hợp từ vựng IELTS Speaking Vocabulary

Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking đóng vài trò rất quan trọng cho phần thi nói trong kỳ thi IELTS. Hôm nay, TDP IELTS xin chia sẻ với bạn một số từ vựng thuộc  31 chủ đề thường gặp nhất trong kỳ thi IELTS Speaking.

Family and Relationships

Đây là chủ đề quen thuộc với mọi người, các từ vựng dưới sẽ xoay quanh gia đình, người thân và bạn bè. Dưới đây là một số từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Family & Relationships:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Sibling /ˈsɪbəlɪŋ/ noun A brother or sister (anh/ chị/ em ruột) brother, sister elder, younger, rivalry There was great sibling rivalry among those children.
2 Nurture /ˈnɜːtʃə/ verb To feed and care for a child, or to help someone or something develop (nuôi dưỡng) raise, foster, nourish carefully, wholeheartedly She wants to stay home and nurture her children.
3 Interaction ˌ/ɪntəˈrækʃən/ noun Communications between individuals or groups (sự tương tác) communication, contact, dealings social, face-to-face, complex Watching movies together is usually intended to encourage family interaction.
4 Conflict /kənˈflɪkt/ noun An active disagreement, as between opposing opinions or needs (mâu thuẫn) disagreement, fight, quarrel increasing, family, serious Conflicts among family become more frequent when the children become teenagers.
5 Extended family /ɪkˈstendɪd ˈfæmli/ noun A family includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts or uncles besides parents and children (đại gia đình) nuclear family belong to, come from I have a large, supportive extended family.
6 Maternal /məˈtɜːnəl/ adjective Relating to mothers or characteristic of a mother (thuộc mẹ) mother, motherly instinct, stress, mortality Her maternal instincts told her that something was wrong.
7 Paternal /pəˈtɜːnəl/ adjective Behaving or feeling as a father does toward his child (thuộc cha) fatherly, parental affection, authority, concern His father gave him a good-humored, paternal smile.
8 Sibling rivalry /ˈsɪbəlɪŋ ˈraɪvəlri/ noun Competition and arguments between brothers and sisters (sự cạnh tranh giữa anh chị em) sibling conflict, sibling antagonism great, intense, long-standing There was barely any sibling rivalry in our family.
9 Resemblance (to mother, father) /rɪˈzembləns tuː/ noun Two people or things look like each other or are similar in some ways (giống) alikeness, similarity, sameness bear, have, show Both children bear a very close resemblance to their father.
IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - TDP IELTS
Từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Family & Relationships


Chủ đề này sẽ xoay quanh về quê hương và đất nước. Khi thành thục từ vựng ở dưới đây, bạn sẽ có thể tự tin miêu tả về chính quê hương của bạn. Dưới đây là list IELTS speaking vocabulary topic Hometown:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Vibrant /ˈvaɪbrənt/ adjective Be energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm (sôi động) lively, busy, thriving city, town, country The city is a youthful, vibrant and exciting place.
2 Cosmopolitan / ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən / adjective Containing experience of people and things from many different parts of the world (quốc tế) worldly, diverse, international, multicultural distinctly, truly, very New York is a highly cosmopolitan city.
3 Historic / hɪˈstɒrɪk / adjective Important or to be important in history (nổi tiếng trong lịch sử) eventful, important, meaningful building, moment, event The building resonates with historic significance.
4 Sleepy / ˈsliːpi / adjective A sleepy place is quiet and without much activity or excitement (không nhộn nhịp) inactive, dull, resting extremely, really, very They retired to a sleepy little town in the south of Italy.
5 Sense of community / sens əv kəˈmjuːnɪti / noun The feeling that you belong to a community (ý thức cộng đồng) community feeling, sense of place, civic duty have, gain, lose A sense of community is a source of satisfaction that appeals to many.
6 Inhabitant / ɪnˈhæbɪtənt / noun A person or animal that lives in a particular place (cư dân) resident, dweller, habitant original, local, native The Aborigines are the native inhabitants of Australia.
7 Isolated / ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd / adjective Not near to other places (biệt lập) quiet, remote, solidary geographically, physically, socially These people come from an isolated village.
8 Amenity / əˈmiːnəti /  noun Something intended to make life more pleasant or comfortable for people (tiện nghi) convenience, creature comfort, mod con excellent, basic, local Straus established employee amenities such as restrooms, medical care, and a lunchroom.
9 Architecture / ˈɑːkɪtektʃə / noun The art and science of designing and making buildings, or the style of a building (kiến trúc) infrastructure, structure, frame classical, medieval, modern The town’s modern architecture is very well integrated with the old.
10 City center / ˈsɪti ˈsentə / noun The main shopping or business area in a city (trung tâm TP) downtown, central city, inner city ancient, historic, great It’s impossible to park in the city center.


Sở thích-một phần không thể thiếu của mọi con người. Bạn sẽ có thể miêu tả và đánh giá sở thích của mình hoặc mọi người một cách dễ dàng khi thành thạo các từ sau.

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Spare time / ˈspeə ˈtaɪm / noun The time when one person is not working (thời gian rảnh) free time, leisure, rest time in He likes to ski in his spare time.
2 Unwind / ˌʌnˈwaɪnd / verb To relax after a period of work or anxiety (thư giãn) chill, rest, relax, wind down to I’m just going to watch some TV and unwind.
3 Personal growth / ˈpɜːsənəl ɡrəʊθ / noun The development of oneself’s behavior and habit, … (sự phát triển cá nhân) personal development encourage, promote, stimulate Schools always encourage the personal growth of students.
4 Hectic / ˈhektɪk / adjective Full of activity, or very busy and fast (bận rộn, hăng say) busy, occupied, hyperactive lifestyle, day, pace The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
5 To take up / tu ˈteɪk ˈʌp / verb To fill or use an amount of time or space (chiếm lấy) start, engage in My time is fully taken up with cooking.
6 Decompress / ˌdiːkəmˈpres / verb To get rid of nervous tension or anxiety (giảm sức ép) unwind, relax, chill completely After two weeks’ hiking we’ll need a few days to decompress.
7 Work-life balance / ˈwɜ:k laɪf ˈbæləns/ noun The lifestyle which people manage to spend time at and outside of work (cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống) work-life fit, work-life blend, work-life harmony healthy, achieve, get It is too difficult for people to achieve a work-life balance nowadays.
8 Numerous benefits / ˈnjuːmərəs ˈbenɪfɪts / noun Having many benefits (nhiều lợi ích) lots of advantages, many advantages bring, offer, provide The numerous benefits of reading as a source of input are pretty apparent.


IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - TDP IELTS
Từ vựng tiếng Anh chủ đề Sở thích

Restaurant & Food

Chủ đề này phục vụ cho việc đánh giá và tả lại các nhà hàng hoặc món ăn mà người học đã trải nghiệm. Dưới đây là speaking IELTS vocabulary chủ đề Restaurant & Food:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Culinary / ˈkjuːləˌneri / adjective Connected with cooking or kitchens (thuộc nấu nướng) cookery, cooking arts, recipe, school My culinary skills are limited to boiling water.
2 Delicacy / ˈdeləkəsi / noun Sth especially rare or expensive that is good to eat (món ăn ngon) delectable, treat, viand great, exotic, local In some parts of the world, sheep’s eyes are considered a great delicacy.
3 Michelin Star / ˈmɪʃələn ˈstɑːr / noun A prize or title given to a restaurant to show that it is of especially good quality (sao Michelin) michelin-starred get, have, win Their restaurant was the first in Ireland to be awarded the much-prized Michelin star.
4 Fine-dining / ˈfaɪn ˈdaɪnɪŋ/ noun A style of eating that usually takes place in expensive restaurants, where especially good food is served to people (nhà hàng ăn uống cao cấp) upscale dining, haute cuisine, high cooking restaurant, eatery Bangalore has some fine dining restaurants that cover various cuisines of the world.
5 Casual-dining / ˈkæʒəwəl ˈdaɪnɪŋ / noun A full-service concept with a laid-back, comfortable, family-friendly ambiance and an affordable menu (nhà hàng bình dân phổ biến) daily dinner, casual meal, casual party restaurant My family usually goes to this popular casual-dining restaurant at the weekend.
6 Al fresco / ˌælˈfreskoʊ / adj/ adv Outside (ở ngoài trời) open-air, out-of-door, outdoor eat, party Most summer evenings we eat alfresco.
7 Chef / ˈʃef / noun A skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or restaurant, especially the most important cook (đầu bếp) cook, culinarian master, excellent, head The head chef runs the hotel kitchen with strict discipline and efficiency
8 Hospitality industry / ˌhɑːspəˈtæləti ˈɪndəstri / Businesses such as hotels, bars, and restaurants that offer people food, drink, or a place to sleep (ngành Du lịch – Nhà hàng – Khách sạn) service industry, catering industry, foodservice industry encourage, develop, damage They have 40 years of experience in the hospitality industry.
9 Gourmet / ˈɡʊrmeɪ / noun Producing or serving food that is very high quality (sành ăn) decadent, pleasure-seeking, high-class meal, restaurant, chef She is a gourmet cook.
10 Fast-food / ˈfæst ˈfuːd / noun Cheap, hot food that is prepared and served quickly in a restaurant (thức ăn nhanh) junk food, convenience food, prepackaged food restaurant, chain, service Dicos is a fast food chain that is becoming increasingly popular in China.


Các từ vựng dưới đây xoay quanh về thói quen mua sắm của mọi người. Bạn có thể sử dụng những IELTS speaking vocabulary chủ đề SHOPPING dưới đây để cải thiện thang điểm IELTS Speaking:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Consumer / kənˈsjuːmə / noun A person who buys goods or services for their own use (người mua) buyer, user, purchaser, potential, domestic, foreign The new rates will affect all consumers, including businesses.
2 Bargain / ˈbɑːɡɪn / noun Something on sale at a lower price than its true value (món hời) buy, deal, pennyworth find, get, pick up The airline regularly offers last-minute bookings at bargain prices.
3 Brand name / ˌbræn ˈneɪm / noun A name given by the maker to a product or range of products, especially a trademark (tên thương hiệu) trade name popular, well-known, leading, established All the car makers spend heavily to promote their brand names.
4 Shop around / ʃɒp əˈraʊnd / phrasal verb To compare the prices and quality of different things before deciding which one to buy (so sánh giá cả giữa các cửa hàng để mua) comparison shop, window shopping You can get good rates if you shop around on the internet.
5 Shopping spree / ˈʃɒpɪŋ spriː / noun A short period of time in which someone buys a lot of things (mua sắm thả ga) spending, shopping expedition go on We went on a shopping spree.
6 Browse / braʊz / verb To look at information on the internet (tìm kiếm) flip through, leaf through, look round web, net It’s too expensive to spend time browsing the Web if you are paying per minute.
7 Department store / dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː / noun A large store stocking many varieties of goods in different departments (cửa hàng bách hóa) emporium, shop assistant, manager, owner He’s got a job demonstrating kitchen equipment in a department store.
8 Shopping mall / ˈʃɒpɪŋ mɔːl / noun A very large building or buildings containing a lot of stores and restaurants, usually with space outside for parking (trung tâm thương mại) shopping centre new, big, well-known A shopping mall is no longer just a place to go to buy something, it’s a community and entertainment center.
9 Online shopping / ˈɒnˌlaɪn ˈʃɒpɪŋ / noun The action or activity of buying goods or services via the internet (mua sắm trực tuyến) cybershopping, online purchases, virtual shopping do, go, expedition Broadband makes online shopping easier.
10 Purchase / ˈpɜːtʃəs / verb To buy something (mua) buy, get, pick cash, credit, online Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.


Accommodation là chủ đề khá quen thuộc trong kỳ thi IELTS Speaking. Sau đây là một sốIELTS Speaking Vocabulary chủ để “ACCOMODATION” IELTS:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Rental house / ˈrentəl ˈhaʊs / noun A house that is rented to be able to live in (nhà thuê) rented house, rental property annual, monthly, short term Workers usually live in rental houses.
2 House deposit / haʊz dɪˈpɒzɪt / noun The amount of money to pay as the first part of the total payment for a house (tiền cọc nhà) reserve, front money, down payment pay, get back, lose When you get a bank loan to buy a house, you need to pay a house deposit, which is usually 20% of the loan value.
3 Spacious / ˈspeɪʃəs / adjective Large and with a lot of space (rộng rãi) roomy, broad, large, wide extremely, fairly, surprisingly The mayor’s spacious office was jammed with probably 60 people.
4 Decorate / ˈdekəreɪt / verb To add sth to an object or a place to make it more attractive (trang trí) roomy, broad, large, wide extremely, fairly, surprisingly The mayor’s spacious office was jammed with probably 60 people.
5 Suburbs / ˈsʌbɜːbz / noun The outer area of a town or a city (ngoại ô) urban sprawl, downtown, exurb industrial, residential, sprawling Box Hill is a suburb of Melbourne.
6 Inner city / ˈɪnə ˈsɪti / noun An area within a larger city, that is located near the central business district, with a mixture of commercial businesses and residential homes. (nội thành) inner suburbs dweller, center, life The mayor is trying to attract new businesses to the inner city.
7 Vacation home / vəˈkeɪʃən həʊm / noun A house that someone lives in during vacations (nhà nghỉ dưỡng) mansion, summer house, villa arrive, leave, purchase There is a beautiful vacation home by the lake.
8 Mod cons / ˌmɒd ˈkɒnz / noun Equipment in house that makes life more pleasant (những tiện nghi hiện đại) accommodation, amenity, convenience buy, prepare, purchase The kitchen is fully equipped with all mod cons including a dishwasher.
9 Fully-furnished (apartment) / ˌfʊli ˈfɜːnɪʃt əˈpɑːtmənt / adjective Containing full furniture or already having furniture in it (đầy đủ nội thất) provided, supplied The couple is looking for a fully-furnished apartment.


Chủ đề Education-giáo dục chắc hẳn là bộ từ vựng hữu ích cho các du học sinh có nhu cầu học ở nước ngoài. TDP IELTS chia sẻ với các bạn một vài từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Education:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Compulsory / kəmˈpʌlsəri / adjective You must do it because of a rule or law (bắt buộc) forced, necessary, required quite, completely A new law was introduced that made wearing seat belts compulsory.
2 Curriculum / kəˈrɪkjʊləm / noun All the courses that were given in a school or college (chương trình học) program, course, syllabus national, educational, subject-based Math is a core subject in the school curriculum.
3 Inquisitive / ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv / adjective Wanting to discover a lot about people or things (tò mò) curious, snoopy, concerned highly, naturally, very The students are pretty inquisitive.
4 Discipline / ˈdɪsɪplɪn / noun Ability to control yourself or other people, even in difficult situations (kỷ luật) constraint, self-control, restraint impose, maintain, lack Learning a foreign language requires discipline.
5 Peer / pɪə / noun A person has the same age or the same social position as other people in a group (bạn đồng trang lứa) fellow, friend, mate group, pressure Teenagers are often worried about looking stupid in front of their peers.
6 Remedial / rɪˈmiːdɪəl / adjective Intend to correct or improve something (khắc phục) amendatory, corrective, rectifying class, action, course Students can enroll in remedial English classes.
7 Graduate / ˈɡrædʒʊeɪt / verb To complete school, college, or university successfully (tốt nghiệp) step up, move up, go forward from Their boss graduated from the University of London.
8 Qualification / ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən / noun An official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills (bằng cấp/ trình độ chuyên môn) capability, credentials, ability academic, professional, vocational Young people will never get a good job if they don’t have any qualifications.
9 Research / rɪˈsɜːtʃ / noun A detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover new information (nghiên cứu) examination, exploration, study scientific, medical, carry out They are conducting some fascinating research on dolphins.
10 Visual learner / ˈvɪʒuəl ˈlɜːnə / noun A person learns by reading or seeing pictures, understand and remember things by sight (người học qua thị giác) spatial learners quick, advanced, young Visual learners learn best when information is presented in pictures or diagrams.
IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Tổng hợp từ vựng theo 31 chủ đề phổ biến nhất 
Education Vocabulary


Các từ vựng về chủ đề sức khỏe sẽ rất quan trọng khi sống và làm việc ở môi trường các nước nói tiếng Anh. Dưới đây là một số từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Health:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Epidemic / ˌepɪˈdemɪk / noun A particular disease affects large number of people badly during the same period of time (bệnh dịch) pandemic, plague, illness major, widespread, flu The flu epidemic is sweeping through the country.
2 Pandemic / pænˈdemɪk / noun
  1. A disease spreads quickly and affects a large number of people over a wide area or throughout the world (đại dịch)
epidemic, ailment break out, strike, spread The 1918 flu pandemic caused death and devastation on an unimaginable scale.
3 Rampant / ˈræmpənt / adjective Getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way (lan tràn) uncontrolled, unhindered, unrestrained plants, abuse, destruction Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.
4 Diagnose / ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz / verb To recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining (chẩn đoán) find, recognize, notice correctly, incorrectly, wrongly His condition was diagnosed as some type of blood disorder.
5 Deteriorate / dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪt/ verb To become worse (làm tệ hơn) degenerate, decline, worsen badly, seriously, dramatically She was taken into the hospital when her condition suddenly deteriorated.
6 Chronic (illness) / ˈkrɒnɪk / adjective Continuing for a long time (mãn tính) prolonged, long-lasting, persistent illness, disease This teacher is resigning because of chronic heart disease.
7 Impaired / ɪmˈpeəd / adjective Damaged in a way that makes sth less effective (bị suy yếu) damaged, weakened vision, hearing, function She suffers from impaired hearing.
8 Disorder / dɪsˈɔːdə / noun An illness of the mind or body (bệnh rối loạn) disease, ill, ailment, sickness severe, chronic, common, rare The family have a history of mental disorders.
9 Alleviate / əˈliːvieɪt / verb To make something bad such as pain or problems less severe (giảm nhẹ, xoa dịu) ease, relieve, mitigate considerably, greatl, partly The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain.
10 Obese / əʊˈbiːs / adjective Extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health (béo phì) overweight, round, fat dangerously, extremely, seriously Being obese and lack of exercise are bad for the heart.


Chủ đề du lịch chắc chắn là chủ đề thu hút được sự hứng thú của rất nhiều người. Bạn có thể áp dụng các từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Travel dưới đây để biến việc giao tiếp khi du lịch nước ngoài thành một trải nghiệm dễ dàng hơn.

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Rural / ˈrʊərəl / adjective In, of, or like the countryside (nông thôn) country, pastoral, rustic extremely, overwhelmingly, truly In the rural areas, illiteracy is widespread.
2 Urban / ˈɜːbən / adjective Of or in a city or town (đô thị) metro, metropolitan sprawl, development, area Many Americans were leaving the farm for the promise of urban life.
3 Mountainous / ˈmaʊntɪnəs / adjective Having a lot of mountains (nhiều núi) hilly, rocky, high country, area, region They live in a mountainous region
4 Coastal / ˈkəʊstəl / adjective Positioned on, or relating to the coast (thuộc bờ biển) nearshore, offshore, littoral Antonyms – inland The coastal resorts are deserted in winter.
5 (By) plane / baɪ pleɪn / Travel by a vehicle designed for air travel (bằng máy bay) aeroplane, airplane, jet by taxi, bus, boat He hates traveling by plane.
6 Unique / juːˈniːk / adjective Being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in some way (độc nhất) rare, exceptional, extraordinary quite, totally, truly Each person’s DNA is unique.
7 Visa / ˈviːzə / noun An official mark, usually made in a passport, that allows you to enter or leave a particular country (thị thực) validation, acceptance student, tourist, travel You must have a guarantor in order to get a visa to enter the country.
8 Scenic / ˈsiːnɪk / adjective Having or allowing you to see beautiful natural features (cảnh vật) breathtaking, impressive, picturesque view, scenery, route They took the scenic route on the way home.
9 Destination / ˌdestɪˈneɪʃən / noun The place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken (điểm đến) place, position, site ultimate, favourite, popular The Virgin Islands are a popular tourist destination.
10 Itinerary / aɪˈtɪnərəri / noun A detailed plan or route of a trip (lịch trình) planned route, travel arrangements, flight plan detailed, full, demanding The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary.

Social Media

Các mạng xã hội như Facebook, Twitter đang trở nên thịnh hành hơn bao giờ hết. Nếu nắm vững trường từ vựng về chủ đề Social Media, bạn sẽ có thể nâng cao trình độ tiếng Anh của mình lên một bậc đấy!

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Influencer / ˈɪnfluənsər / noun Someone that can influence and inspire people to promote or buy sth (người tạo ảnh hưởng) inspirer, trendsetters, celebrity famous, top, popular He is a blogger, model and social media influencer.
2 Vlogger / ˈvlɒɡər / Someone who makes vlogs and posts them on the internet (người chuyên tạo dựng nội dung trên nền tảng video) blogger beauty, food I discovered a group of young entrepreneur vloggers creating their own entertainment niche.
3 Follower / ˈfɒləʊə / noun Someone who supports, admires, or believes in a particular person, group, or idea (người theo dõi) supporter, advocate dedicated, devoted, loyal She has over 100,000 followers on Twitter.
4 Meme / miːm / noun An idea, image, video, etc. that is spread very quickly on the interne icon, symbol funny, famous, symbolic Take a look at the top ten internet memes for this past year.
5 Viral / ˈvaɪrəl / noun Spreading or becoming popular very quickly through communication from one person to another, especially on the internet (phát tán nhanh) spread quickly campaign, advertising, video In the future, he predicts, viral ads will offer even more participation.
6 Filter / ˈfɪltə / noun A tool for creating special effects on an image (bộ lọc) application There’s a filter that makes all your pictures look like old sepia photographs.
7 Cyber bullying / ˈsaɪbə ˈbʊlɪɪŋ / noun The use of electronic communication to bully a person (bắt nạt trên mạng) online harassment, online teasing victim, incident, law In the past ten years, cyberbullying has become increasingly common among students.
8 Anonymity / ˌænəˈnɪməti / verb The situation in which someone’s name is not given or known (ẩn danh) facelessness, namelessness, nowhere ensure, guarantee, preserve, protect The police have reassured witnesses that they will be guaranteed anonymity.
9 Harass / ˈhærəs / verb To continue to annoy or upset someone over a period of time (quấy rối) outwear, tire, exhaust racially, sexually, physically She felt she was being harassed by the coach’s constant demands.
10 User-friendly / ˈjuːzə ˈfrendli  / adjective Easy to use or understand (thân thiện với người dùng) accessible, friendly, easily operated application, website, software The search software is user-friendly.

Media/ Entertainment 

Truyên thông và giải trí là một chủ đề thu hút sự quan tâm của giới trẻ. Khi muốn thảo luận về những ca sĩ hay bài hát nổi tiếng, những từ vựng sau sẽ rất cần thiết.

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Celebrity / sɪˈlebrɪti / noun A famous person, especially in the entertainment business (người nổi tiếng) celeb, figure, star, VIP international, showbiz, sporting The magazine is all about the lives of celebrities.
2 Critical acclaim / ˈkrɪtɪkəl əˈkleɪm / noun Receive good reviews from all or most critics (ca ngợi phê phán) critically acclaimed, critical success gain, earn, receive Her work brought her popular and critical acclaim.
3 Festival / ˈfestɪvəl / noun An organized set of special events (lễ hội) event, celebration, ceremony have, hold, attend, organize The New Orleans Jazz Festival is held every year in the spring.
4 Live music / ˈlaɪv ˈmjuːzɪk / noun Music performed at the premises by musicians, singers or other performers (nhạc sống) live concert, live entertainment, live performance great, wonderful, show Everyone enjoys the wonderful performance at the live music show.
5 Venue / ˈvenju: / noun The place where a public event or meeting happens (địa điểm) location, position, site ideal, perfect, popular The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings.
6 Groundbreaking / graʊndˈbreɪkɪŋ / adjective Something’s very new and is a big change from other things of its type (đột phá) innovative, pioneering, creative method, development, project The scientist was honored for her groundbreaking work in nuclear physics.
7 Universally loved / ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəli ˈlʌvd / adjective To be liked very much (được yêu thích rộng rãi) well-regarded, widely treasured, cherished dearly, deeply, passionately She was nearly universally beloved by friends, allies, and even her enemies.
8 Censorship / ˈsensəʃɪp / noun The censoring of books, plays, films, or reports, especially by government officials (bộ phận/ quá trình kiểm duyệt) restriction, control, cutting strict, government, film The government today announced that press censorship was being lifted.
9 Paparazzi / ˌpæpəˈræt.si / noun A freelance photographer who pursues celebrities to get photographs of them (thợ săn ảnh) photojournalist, shutterbug, freelance photographer follow, tail, track
10 Entertainment industry / ˌentəˈteɪnmənt ˈɪndəstri / noun The business of making films, television programmes, shows, … that entertain people (ngành giải trí) showbiz, film industry, celebrity business thriving, important, key, major Expansion of the entertainment industry has also provided a significant boost.


Khi thành thạo từ vựng ở chủ đề này, người nói sẽ tự tin hơn khi thảo luận về các lễ hội, từ truyền thống đến hiện đại.

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Annual / ˈænjuːəl / adjective Happening once every year (hằng năm) yearly, every year event, visit, vacation The flowers at the annual flower show were a beautiful sight.
2 Festivity / feˈstɪvəti / noun A situation in which people are happy and celebrating (lễ hội) carnival, celebration, fest join, celebrate Year-long festivities will mark the 300th anniversary of the city’s founding.
3 Tradition / trəˈdɪʃən / noun A belief, principle, or way of acting that people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time (truyền thống) custom, convention cultural, local, well-established Fireworks have long been an American tradition on the Fourth of July.
4 Pilgrimage / ˈpɪlɡrəmədʒ / noun A visit to a place that is considered special, where you go to show your respect (cuộc hành hương) trip, voyage, journey annual, spiritual For many fans, the national stadium is a place of pilgrimage.
5 Family reunion / ˈfæmli riˈuːnjən / noun A usually large gathering for family members (buổi tụ họp gia đình) family reunification, family gathering, family party arrange, attend, celebrate The family reunion is held every two years.
6 Cultural heritage / ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈherətədʒ / noun The heritage of tangible and intangible heritage assets of a group or society that is inherited from past generations (di sản văn hóa) ‎heritage asset, ‎cultural property preserve The organization is devoted to preserving our cultural heritage.
7 Dates back to / ˈdeɪts bæk tuː / idiom o have been made in or to have come into being in (a certain time in the past) (đã có từ xưa) go back to, stem from, revert to They found jewelry dating back to the 1700s.
8 In high spirits / ɪn ˌhaɪ ˈspɪrəts / Very happy and excited or having a good time (có tinh thần cao) elation, liveliness, excitement Antonyms – depressed, inactive, unenthusiastic They’d had a couple of drinks and were in high spirits.
9 Crowded / ˈkraʊdəd / adjective Full of people (đông đúc) full, crammed, filled increasingly, densely, quite As Christmas gets closer, the stores get more and more crowded.
10 Gather / ˈɡæðər / verb When people or animals gather, they come together in a group (tụ tập) collect, group, quickly, around, together A crowd had gathered to hear her speak.

Xem thêm: Từ vựng tiếng Anh về Tết Nguyên Đán


Một chủ đề rất hot và đón nhận nhiều sự quan tâm. Sẽ là một thiếu sót lớn khi bạn bỏ qua những từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Internet sau:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Email / ˈiːmeɪl / noun A message or document sent using this system (thư điện tử) airmail, card, electronic mail write, send, receive I got an email from Danielle last week.
2 Video conference / ˈvɪdɪəʊ ˈkɒnfərəns / noun A meeting at which people who are in different places can talk to and see each other using electronic technology (hội nghị truyền hình) teleconference, phone meeting hold, have, take part in During lockdown we had a weekly video conference with the rest of the family.
3 Social media / ˈsəʊʃl ˈmiːdɪə / noun Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking (phương tiện truyền thông xã hội) social network, social platform, social networking website site, tool, strategy Companies are increasingly making use of social media in order to market their goods.
4 Digital age / ˈdɪdʒɪtəl eɪdʒ / noun The present time, in which many things are done by computer and large amounts of information are available because of computer technology (thời đại công nghệ) information age New business models have emerged in the digital age.
5 E-commerce / ˈi: ˈkɒmɜːs / noun The business of buying and selling goods and services on the Internet (thương mại điện tử) browsing, purchasing, electronic commerce business, company, platform Recognizing the value of e-commerce, traditional companies also jumped online.
6 Online shopping / ˈɒnˌlaɪn ˈʃɒpɪŋ / noun The action or activity of buying goods or services via the internet (mua sắm trực tuyến) cybershopping, online purchases, virtual shopping do, go, expedition Broadband makes online shopping easier.
7 Internet marketing / ˈɪntənet ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ / noun Marketing that occurs only online (tiếp thị kỹ thuật số) digital-marketing, digital advertising, online advertising campaign, company, strategy The company has done some effective Internet marketing of the new model.
8 Remote working / rɪˈməʊt ˈwɜːkɪŋ / noun Working from anywhere other than office (làm việc từ xa) remote job, mobile work, distance work find, start, have Many firms are seeing an increase in remote working.
9 Download / ˌdaʊnˈləʊd / (verb) To copy programs or information to a computer, usually over the Internet (tải về) access, retrieve, save copy, file, document Software updates can be downloaded from the company’s website.
10 Subscribe / səbˈskraɪb / verb To pay money to an organization in order to receive a product or use a service regularly (đặt mua) pay, charge fully, wholeheartedly 2.3 million people subscribe to this online music service.

Cities & Urbanization

Thành phố và đô thị hóa là nghĩa tiếng Việt của chủ đề này. Bạn sẽ có thể thảo luận chuyên sâu hơn khi nắm vững các từ vựng IELTS chủ đề City life – Cities & Urbanization. 

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Residential area /ˌrezɪˈdenʃəl ˈeəriə / noun A land or district where people live (khu dân cư) residential district, community, residential zone live in, move to, leave The nightclub was disturbing people in the usually quiet residential area.
2 Area / ˈeəriə / noun A particular part of a place, piece of land, or country (khu vực)


location, region, city lively, busy, dynamic Young people tend to live in lively areas, filled with bars and restaurants. 
3 Vibrant / ˈvaɪbrənt / adjective Be energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm (sôi động) lively, busy, thriving city, town, country The city is a youthful, vibrant, and exciting place.
4 Sprawling / ˈsprɔːlɪŋ / adjective Covered with buildings across a large area (bành trướng) extensive, rambling city, suburbs, metropolis Many people want to live in a sprawling metropolis.
5 Cosmopolitan /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlɪtən / adjective Containing experience of people and things from many different parts of the world (quốc tế) worldly, diverse, international, multicultural distinctly, truly, very New York is a highly cosmopolitan city.
6 Upmarket /ˌʌpˈmɑːkɪt / adjective Products and services that are of a high quality compared to others (cao cấp) exclusive, high-end, upscale brand, product He had a plan to turn the properties into upmarket retail centers with high-end tenants.
7 Traffic congestion / ˈtræfɪk kənˈdʒestʃən / noun A situation in which there is too much traffic and movement is very difficult (kẹt xe) traffic jam, gridlock, roadblock serious, severe, increasing The traffic congestion in the city gets worse during the summer.
8 Infrastructure / ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə / noun The basic systems and services that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively (cơ sở hạ tầng) architecture, structure, framework build, create, develop The war has badly damaged the country’s infrastructure.
9 Public transport system / ˌpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔːt ˈsɪstəm / noun A system of transport for passengers by group travel systems available for use by the general public (hệ thống Giao thông công cộng) mass transit, shuttle, light rail The public transport system of the country is highly praised by the citizens.
10 Public spaces / ˌpʌblɪk ˈspeɪsɪz / noun A place that is generally open and accessible to people (không gian công cộng) common place, popular place, open space make use of, take up, save Her idea was to build a garden shed in this very urban and public space.


Khi thành thục các từ vựng về môi trường (environment) trong IELTS Speaking, chủ đề môi trường sẽ không còn là trở ngại trong kỳ thi IELTS.

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Vegetation / ˌvedʒɪˈteɪʃən / noun Plants in general, or plants found in an area (thực vật) flora, green, plant natural, tropical, thick Much of the region’s native vegetation has been damaged by developers.
2 Erosion / ɪˈrəʊʒən / noun The fact of soil or stone being gradually damaged and removed by the waves, rain, or wind (sự xói mòn) corrosion, breakdown soil, coastal, severe The erosion of the banks along the river worry flood experts.
3 Pollution / pəˈluːʃən / noun Damage caused to water, air by harmful substances (sự ô nhiễm)


defilement, dirtiness, contamination environmental, marine, industrial Car exhausts are the main reason for the city’s pollution.
4 Climate change / ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ / noun Changes in the world’s weather (thay đổi khí hậu) global warming, global heating, climatic variations irreversible The President called for urgent action on climate change.
5 Habitat / ˈhæbɪtæt / noun The natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives (môi trường sống) home, niche, territory provide, protect, destroy With so many areas of forest being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.
6 Deforestation / ˌdi:ˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃə / noun The cutting down of trees in a large area (usually in forests) (phá rừng) desertification, overgrazing, salinisation mass, illegal, reduce Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
7 Eco-system / ˈiːkəʊ ˈsɪstəm / noun All the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment (hệ sinh thái) nature, natural world, environment keep, preserve, improve Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced ecosystem.
8 Inhabit / ɪnˈhæbɪt / verb To live in a place (trú, ngụ) settle, dwell, live, reside alone, together, peaceably These remote islands are inhabited only by birds.
9 Migrate / maɪˈɡreɪt / verb To move from one place to another (di cư) travel, move, relocate seasonally, annually These animals migrate annually in search of food.
10 Evolution / ˌiːvəˈluːʃən / noun A gradual process of change and development (sự tiến hóa) development, growth, progress biological, historical, technological This product was an extremely significant step in the evolution of computer games.

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History & Historical Figures

Khi thảo luận về lịch sử bằng Anh ngữ, những từ vựng sau nên được sử dụng để nâng cao trình độ cuộc trò chuyện của bạn. Các bạn có thể tham khảo một số từ vựng IELTS topic History:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Historic / hɪˈstɒrɪk / adjective Important or to be important in history (nổi tiếng trong lịch sử) eventful, important, meaningful building, moment, event The building resonates with historic significance.
2 Landmark / ˈlændmɑːk / noun A building or place that is easily recognized, especially one that you can use to judge where you are (ranh giới, bước ngoặc) milepost, milestone, turning point prominent, famous, well-known The building resonates with historic significance.
3 Historical figure  / hɪˈstɒrɪkəl ˈfɪɡə / noun A significant person in history (nhân vật lịch sử) historical character, actual figure, ancient figure leading, prominent, legendary It was amazing to see those black historical figures on the stage.
4 Preserve / prɪˈzɜːv / verb To keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed (bảo tồn) conserve, keep up, maintain, save perfectly, superbly, exquisitely, finely We want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.
5 Cultural significance / ˈkʌltʃərəl sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns / noun Means aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value for past, present or future generations (ý nghĩa văn hóa) cultural value, artistic significance, cultural importance assume, gain, take on The town has great cultural significance.
6 Remnant / ˈremnənt / noun A remaining group or portion (tàn dư) leftovers, remains, rest small, last, surviving Everyone wants to see the remnants of the city’s former glory.
7 Profound / prəˈfaʊnd / adjective Felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way (uyên thâm, sâu sắc) deep, intense, explosive truth, wisdom, influence The invention of the contraceptive pill brought about profound changes in the lives of women.
8 Monument / ˈmɒnjʊmənt / noun a structure or building that is built to honour a special person or event (đài kỷ niệm, di tích) gravestone, headstone, tombstone ancient, historic, famous Parts of the Berlin wall are being allowed to stand as historic monuments.
9 Iconic / aɪˈkɒnɪ / adjective Very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time (mang tính biểu tượng) symbolic status, image, gesture Thelma and Louise was an instantly iconic feminist road movie.
10 Restore / rɪˈstɔːr / verb To return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position (khôi phục) renew, repair, revive fully, partially, beautifully The interior has recently been extensively restored.

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - TDP IELTS

Topic: History (Historical events & Historical Figures)


Tiếp theo, TDP IELTS xin gửi đến bạn một số từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Toàn câu hóa (Globalization):

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Globalization / ˌɡlobələˈzeɪʃən / noun The increase of trade around the world, especially by large companies producing and trading goods in many different countries (toàn cầu hóa) modernity, transnational, globalism increased, international, economic We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.
2 Worldwide / ˌwɝːldˈwaɪd / adj/ adv Existing or happening in all parts of the world (toàn thế giới) global, widespread, universal sales, recession, campaign News of the attack attracted worldwide attention.
3 Uniformity / ˌjuːnəˈfɔːrməti / noun The quality or fact of being the same, or of not changing or being different in any way (sự thống nhất) coordination, unity, correspondence achieve, ensure, impose She has managed to achieve an astonishing uniformity with her worldwide network of shops.
4 Multi-national / ˈmʌlti ˈnæʃənəl / adjective Involving several different countries, or (of a business) producing and selling goods in several different countries (đa quốc gia) foreign, international, transnational company, corporation The UN has sent a multinational peace-keeping force.
5 Diversity / dɪˈvɝːsəti / noun A range of different things or people (sự đa dạng) distinction, variety, multiplicity cultural, political, regional The wonderful diversity of our region’s wildlife is now coming under threat.
6 Globally / ˈɡloʊbli /  adverb Across the whole world (toàn cầu) universally, broadly, extensively The company has to be able to compete globally.
7 Nation / ˈneɪʃən / / ˈneɪʃən / A country, especially when thought of as a large group of people living in one area with their own government, language, traditions (quốc gia) country, land, state leading, powerful, developing All the nations of the world will be represented at the conference.
8 Development / dɪˈveləpmənt / noun The process in which someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced (sự phát triển) evolution, expansion, growth, progress industrial, historical, regional All our profits are reinvested into research and development.
9 Developed countries / dɪˈveləpt ˈkʌntriz / noun A country with a lot of industrial activity and where people generally have high incomes (nước đã phát triển) industrialized country, industrialized nation, advanced country live, lead, serve Our sample came from a broad cross-section of the populations of developed countries.
10 Less-developed countries / les dɪˈveləpt ˈkʌntriz / noun A country that does not have a lot of industrial activity and where people have low incomes (nước đang phát triển) developing nations, economically developing countries, emergent nations govern, rule, run Governments in less developed countries realize that telecommunications access is one of the fastest engines of economic growth.
11 The industrialized world / ði ˌɪnˈdəstriəˌlaɪzd ˈwɝːld / noun used to describe a country, economy, area that has many businesses and factories involved in producing goods (nước công nghiệp) industrialized nations, industrialized countries heavily, highly Even in the industrialized world illiteracy is a problem.


Nghệ thuật là chủ đề đón nhận nhiều sự quan tâm của mọi người, vì thế dưới đây là các từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Nghệ thuật (Art) dành cho bạn:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Aesthetic / esˈθetɪk / adjective Relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty (có thẩm mỹ) attractive, beautiful, good-looking highly, purely, partly The new building has little aesthetic appeal.
2 Choreographed / ˈkɔːriəˌɡræft / adjective With the combination of movements planned in an exact way (được sắp xếp, biên đạo) arranged, framed, planned dance, class, maneuver Choreographed fitness classes are common in gyms today.
3 Inspiring / ˌɪnˈspaɪrɪŋ / adjective Encouraging, or making you feel you want to do something (truyền cảm hứng) rousing, stimulating, stirring deeply, really, very She was an inspiring example to her followers.
4 Taste / ˈteɪst / noun The thing a person likes (sự yêu thích) appetite, preference, favor in music, films, art My son and I have very different tastes in music.
5 Visual / ˈvɪʒuəl / adjective Relating to seeing (thuộc về thị giác) optical, sighted, visible stimulus, impact, abilities The tower blocks made a huge visual impact on the skyline.
6 Performance / pərˈfɔːrməns / noun The action of entertaining other people by dancing, singing, acting, or playing music (buổi trình diễn) accomplishment, achievement, version live, public, musical She gave a superb performance as Lady Macbeth.
7 Creativity / ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti / noun The ability to produce or use original and unusual ideas (sự sáng tạo) imagination, , ingenuity, innovativeness talent, ability, thinking They used rather creative methods to impress investors.
8 Play / ˈpleɪ / noun A piece of writing that is intended to be acted in a theater, radio or TV (vở kịch) drama, work, adaption television, musical, miracle His latest play has delighted theater audiences and theater critics alike.
9 Theatre / ˈθiːətər / noun A building or part of a building where movies or dramas are shown (rạp hát, kịch) cinema, playhouse crowded, large, great The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.
10 Cinema / ˈsɪnəmə / noun A theater where people pay to watch movies (rạp phim) playhouse, theater screen, audience, advertising The town no longer has a cinema.
11 Highbrow / ˈhaɪˌbrɑːw / noun Who is only interested in serious art or complicated subjects (nhà trí thức) scholar, intellectual, academic Antonyms – lowbrow This is a movie for people enjoy highbrow films. 


Dưới đây là Speaking IELTS Vocabulary topic: AMBITION:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Goal / ɡəʊl / noun An aim or purpose (mục tiêu) aim, aspiration, dream, target long-term, ambitious, primary Our goal is for the country to be fully independent within two years.
2 Pursue / pəˈsjuː / verb To follow someone or something; try to catch him, her, or it (theo đuổi) chase, trail, follow actively, energetically, vigorously I don’t think this idea is worth pursuing any further.
3 Attain / əˈteɪn / verb To reach or succeed in getting something (đạt được) achieve, reach, fulfill objective, goal, target He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.
4 Persevere / ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪə / verb To continue making an effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time (bền chí) carry on, persist, keep up Antonyms – give up, quit, hesitate If you persevere long enough and work hard enough, you’ll eventually succeed.
5 Attempt / əˈtempt / verb To try to do something, especially something difficult (cố gắng) try, endeavor, strive half-heartedly, whole-heartedly, desperately He attempted to escape through a window.
6 Expectation / ˌekspekˈteɪʃən / noun The feeling of expecting something to happen (sự mong đợi) hope, expectancy, prospect great, high, low The success of our campaign has exceeded our wildest expectations.
7 Achieve / əˈtʃiːv / verb To succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort (đạt được) attain, gain, hit goal, objective, dream She finally achieved her ambition to visit South America.
8 Work towards / ˈwɜ:k təˈwɔːdz / verb To try to reach or achieve a goal (nỗ lực vì mục tiêu) strive for; aspire to aim for They are all working towards a common goal.
9 Goal-oriented / ˈgəʊl ˈɔːrɪəntɪd / adjective Work hard to achieve good results in the tasks that they have been given (định hướng mục tiêu) goal-driven, goal-directed The management team was made up of ambitious, goal-oriented types who’d worked hard for their positions.
10 Seek / siːk / verb To ask for advice, help, approval, permission, etc (tìm kiếm) look up, pursue, search avidly, eagerly, keenly
11 Attainable / əˈteɪnəbəl / adjective Possible to achieve (có thể đạt được) achievable, doable, feasible fully, perfectly, easily, readily We need to ensure that we do not set ourselves goals that are not attainable.
12 Determined / dɪˈtɜːmɪnd / adjective Wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you (quyết tâm, kiên định) decisive, resolute, resolved absolutely, quite, utterly I’m determined to get this piece of work done today.

Life Choices

Lựa chọn gần như là thứ mà mọi người đều phải đưa ra trong cuộc sống. Thảo luận về những chọn lựa sẽ không thành vấn đề nếu bạn học được những IELTS vocabulary speaking chủ đề Life choices sau:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Opportunity / ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪti / noun An occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do (cơ hội) break, chance, occasion great, marvelous, wonderful The exhibition is a unique opportunity to see her later work.
2 Profound / prəˈfaʊnd / adjective Felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way (uyên thâm, sâu sắc) deep, intense, explosive truth, wisdom, influence The invention of the contraceptive pill brought about profound changes in the lives of women.
3 Proactive / ˌprəʊˈæktɪv / adjective Taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens (chủ động)


forethoughtful, forward, forward-looking approach, role, proposal Companies are going to have to be more proactive about environmental management.
4 Disillusioned / ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒənd / adjective Disappointed and unhappy because of discovering the truth about sth or someone you liked (vỡ mộng) disappointed, frustrated, unfulfilled completely, thoroughly, totally All the other teachers are thoroughly disillusioned with their colleague.
5 Reverberate / rɪˈvɜːbəreɪt / verb Have an effect on everyone or everything in a place or group (tác động lại) resonate, resound with, to, upon News of the disaster reverberated around the organization.
6 Consequence / ˈkɒnsɪkwəns / noun A result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient (hậu quả) conclusion, development, outcome terrible, tragic, unpleasant Not making a will can have serious consequences for your children and other family members.
7 Milestone / ˈmaɪlstəʊn / noun An important event in the development or history of something or in someone’s life (cột mốc) climax, landmark, turning point pass, reach, mark The opening of a branch in New York represented an important milestone for the company.
8 Strive / straɪv / verb To devote serious and sustained effort (phấn đấu) attempt, endeavour try always, constantly, continually Mr. Roe has kindled expectations that he must now strive to live up to.
9 Attain / əˈteɪn / verb To reach or succeed in getting something (thu, gặt hái) accomplish, achieve, reach objective, goal He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.
10 Transformative / trænsˈfɔːmətɪv / adjective Causing a major change to something or someone, especially in a way that makes that one better (biến đổi) changing, transformational Everyone appreciates the transformative power of art.


Miêu tả về thời tiết bằng tiếng Anh là việc không thể thiếu khi giao tiếp hằng ngày. Dưới đây là một số từ vựng về thời tiết trong tiếng Anh:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Mild / maɪld / adjective Not very cold or not as cold as usual (dịu, ôn hòa) gentle, moderate, soft surprisingly, unseasonably, unusually We’ve had a mild winter this year.
2 Chilly / ˈtʃɪli / adjective old but not freezing (lạnh lẽo) cool, cold, chill pretty, quite, rather The bathroom gets chilly in the winter.
3 Celsius ˈselsɪəs / noun A measurement of temperature (độ C) centigrade degree They always use the Celsius scale on the weather forecast nowadays.
4 Gloomy / ˈɡluːmi / adjective Dark in a way that is unpleasant and makes it difficult to see (u ám ảm đạm) dark, black feel, look, seem What gloomy weather we’re having!
5 Clear / klɪə / adjective Without clouds, mist, or fog in the sky, so that you can see for a long way (trong sáng) bright, apparent fairly, pretty, reasonably The weather is expected to remain clear for the next few days.
6 Hazy / ˈheɪzi / adjective Not clear, especially because of heat (mù sương) cloudy, foggy, smoggy air, weather, day Hazy skies made it dangerous to fly.
7 To clear up / tu ˈklɪər ʌp / phrasal verb Become bright as clouds go away (trời quang mây tạnh) lighten, brighten up I hope it clears up in time for the picnic.
8 Downpour / ˈdaʊnpɔː / noun A lot of rain in a short time (mưa trút xuống) downfall, rainfall, rainstorm heavy, sudden, relentless The downpour was so heavy that we were completely soaked.
9 Drizzle / ˈdrɪzəl / noun A light or fine rain (mưa phùn) mist, mizzle, sprinkle fine, light, thin The drizzle was just heavy enough to spoil all of our outdoor activities.
10 Humid / ˈhjuːmɪd / adjective Containing extremely small drops of water in the air (ẩm ướt) damp, muggy, steamy weather, climate, air New York is very hot and humid in the summer.

Animals and Pets

Đối với những người có thú cưng, từ vựng chủ đề speaking IELTS animals sẽ rất phù hợp cho bạn:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Companionship / kəmˈpænjənˌʃɪp / noun The enjoyment of spending time with other people (tình bạn) brotherhood, fellowship, society close, constant, human I lived on my own for a while but I missed the companionship of others.
2 Therapeutic effect / ˌθerəˈpjuːtɪk ɪˈfekt / noun The response after a treatment of any kind, the results of which are judged to be useful or favorable (hiệu quả điều trị) healing effect, remedial effect, restorative effect show, have, produce The medicine started to take therapeutic effect after a few minutes.
3 Mischievous / ˈmɪstʃəvəs / adjective Describe behaviors or words that are intended to cause harm or trouble (gây hại) damaging, detrimental, ill-behaved pretty, quite, extremely I think these rumors are mischievous.
4 Adorable / əˈdɔːrəbəl / adjective Used to describe someone or sth charming, attractive, and easily loved (đáng yêu) endearing, lovely, cute look, seem, become It was an absolutely adorable puppy.
5 Breed / ˈbriːd / verb To keep animals for the purpose of producing young animals in a controlled way (chăn nuôi, gây giống) procreate, reproduce, multiply in captivity, successfully, commercially While the animals are still immature, they do not breed.
6 Captivity / kæpˈtɪvəti / noun The situation in which an animal is kept somewhere and is not allowed to leave (tình trạng bị giam cầm) confinement, imprisonment, prison release sth from, escape from, keep sth in Animals bred in captivity would probably not survive if they were released into the wild.
7 Endangered (animal) / enˈdeɪndʒərd / adjective Animals may soon not exist because there are very few now alive (bị đe dọa, gặp nguy hiểm) exposed, vulnerable, at risk plants, birds, species The giant panda is an endangered species.
8 Predator / ˈpredətər /  noun An animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals (động vật săn mồi) lions, wolves natural, dangerous Some animals have no natural predators.
9 Loneliness / ˈloʊnlinəs / noun The state of being lonely (sự cô đơn) isolation, seclusion, solitude curb, experience, suffer He experienced terrible loneliness after the loss of his dog.
10 Natural habitat / ˈnætʃərəl ˈhæbətæt / noun An ecological or environmental area where a specific species lives (môi trường sống tự nhiên) Natural environment, habitation, surroundings preserve, save, destroy Human shouldn’t destroy natural habitat.

Law & Crime

Trong cuộc sống ở người ngoài, các từ về luật pháp và tội phạm sẽ rất hữu ích. Hơn nữa, đây là một chủ đề rất hay xuất hiện trong kỳ thi IELTS. Dưới đây là một số từ vựng IELTS Topic Crimes and Laws:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Criminal / ˈkrɪmɪnəl / noun Someone who commits a crime (tội phạm) culprit, lawbreaker, offender dangerous, violent, notorious The police officer told the criminal that he had the right to remain silent.
2 Defendant / dɪˈfendənt / noun A person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal (bị báo) arrestee, suspect convict, find guilty, sentence The jury concluded from the evidence that the defendant was innocent.
3 Prosecutor / ˈprɒsɪkjuːtə / noun A legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a law court (công tố viên) district attorney, prosecuting attorney, public prosecutor federal, public The defense and prosecutors agreed to recommend a one-year jail sentence.
4 Fraud / frɔːd / noun The crime of getting money by deceiving people (sự lừa gạt) deceit, extortion, trickery massive, complex, sophisticated He is fighting extradition to Hong Kong to face trial on fraud charges.
5 Vandalism / ˈvændəlɪzəm / noun The crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people (sự phá hoại) demolishing, demolishment, destruction mindless, criminal, environmental These schools are known to be vulnerable to vandalism.
6 Smuggling / ˈsmʌɡəlɪŋ / noun The act or process of taking things or people to or from a place secretly and often illegally (buôn lậu) black marketeering, poaching, rustling drug, human, tobacco The murdered man is thought to have been involved in drug smuggling.
7 Dumping toxic waste / ˈdʌmpɪŋ ˈtɒksɪk weɪst / noun The act of leaving dangerous waste illegally (xả rác thải) poisoning, discharge waste The site has become a popular place to dump toxic wastes.
8 Violate / ˈvaɪəleɪt / verb To break or act against something, especially a law (vi phạm) break, offend laws, agreement, principle The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.
9 Punishment / ˈpʌnɪʃmənt / noun The act of punishing someone (hình phạt) discipline, fine, penalty harsh, heavy, severe Many people think that the death penalty is too severe a punishment for any crime.
10 Sue / sjuː / verb To take legal action against a person or organization, especially by making a legal claim for money because of some harm that they have caused you (kiện, yêu cầu) charge, prosecute, accuse be entitled to, have the right to, threaten to She decided to sue for libel after the newspaper smeared her private life.

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - TDP IELTS

Từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Law

Gifts and Presents

Dưới đây là một số từ vựng topic Gifts IELTS SPEAKING:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Generous / ˈdʒenərəs / adjective Willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected (rộng lượng) bighearted, freehearted, openhanded amazingly, exceedingly, exceptionally They were very generous and donated to several charities.
2 Grateful / ˈɡreɪtfəl / adjective Showing thanks, especially to another person (biết ơn) thankful, appreciative, obliged deeply, enormously, genuinely She was grateful for her neighbor’s help after she broke her foot.
3 Thoughtful / ˈθɒtfəl / adjective Kind and always thinking about helping other people (sâu sắc) attentive, considerate, kind truly, especially, extremely She’s a very thoughtful person.
4 Considerate / kənˈsɪdərət / adjective Kind and helpful (chu đáo) kind, nice, thoughtful fully, totally, wholly My friend is a kindly woman who is very considerate of other people’s feelings.
5 Recipient / rəˈsɪpiənt / noun A person who receives something (người nhận) receiver, donee, giftee largest, major, intended Our 1,000th member will be the lucky recipient of a mystery gift.
6 Meaningful / ˈmiːnɪŋfəl / adjective Important or valuable (đầy ý nghĩa) important, major, significant particularly, really, terribly She found it difficult to form meaningful relationships.
7 Appreciate / əˈpriːʃieɪt / verb To recognize how good someone or something is and to value him, her, or it (đánh giá cao, yêu thích) cherish, love, treasure, thankful really, fully, properly We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.
8 Special occasion / ˈspeʃəl əˈkeɪʒən / noun A particularly noteworthy event, ceremony, social gathering, or celebration (dịp đặc biệt) special event, important event, memorable time recall, remember, celebrate We sell cards and note paper for special occasions only.
9 Fond memory / ˈfɑːnd ˈmeməri / noun Sth that you remember with pleasure (kỉ niệm đẹp) sweet memory, beautiful memory, great memory bring back, evoke, revive Jane has fond memories of a happy childhood.
10 Practical / ˌ ˈpræktəkəl / adjective Relating to experience, real situations, or actions rather than ideas or imagination (thực tế) useful, workable, functional lesson, experience, gift Degrees are important but practical experience is always a plus.

Making A Resolution

Một số từ vựng về chủ đề Making A Resolution ở bên dưới:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Enthusiasm / ɪnˈθjuːzɪæzəm / noun A feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it (sự hăng hái) eagerness, excitement, keenness burning, considerable, enormous One of the good things about teaching young children is their enthusiasm.
2 Excitement / ɪkˈsaɪtmənt / noun A feeling of being excited, or an exciting event (sự phấn khởi) enthusiasm, hunger, appetite be filled with, be flushed with, conceal If you want excitement, you should try parachuting.
3 Commit / kəˈmɪt / verb To promise or give your loyalty, time, or money to a particular principle, person, or plan of action (cam kết) carry out, engage, do action, plan, idea Once we have committed to this course of action there is no going back.
4 Resolute / ˈrezəluːt / adjective Determined in character, action, or ideas (kiên quyết) determined, headstrong, decisive Antonyms – irresolute  Their resolute opposition to new working methods was difficult to overcome.
5 Compromise / ˈkɒmprəmaɪz / verb to lower or weaken standards (thỏa hiệp) give in, spoil, deface be prepared to, be ready to, refuse to His opponents charged that the deal would compromise conservative principles.
6 Promise / ˈprɒmɪs / verb To tell someone that you will certainly do something (hứa) swear, assure, guarantee faithfully Her parents promised her a new car if she passed her finals.
7 Maintain / meɪnˈteɪn / verb to continue; to keep, or not allow to become less (duy trì) keep, stay, remain properly, well, poorly Several of the teachers were quite unable to maintain discipline.
8 Realistic / ˌrɪəˈlɪstɪk / adjective Accepting things as they are in fact and not making decisions based on unlikely hopes for the future (thực tế) practical, lifelike, real extremely, quite, fairly It isn’t realistic to expect people to work for so little money.
9 Achievable / əˈtʃiːvəbəl / adjective Possible to achieve (có thể đạt được) doable, realizable, attainable task, goal, outcome Before you set your targets, make sure that they are achievable.
10 Satisfying / ˈsætɪsfaɪɪŋ / adjective Making you feel pleased by providing what you need or want (mang lại cảm giác thỏa mãn) enjoyable, pleasant, pleasing job, result, task It is very satisfying to know that the project was a success.

Describing a Time You Were Unsuccessful

Khi hoàn thành những từ phía dưới, bạn có thể tả lại khoảng thời gian mà bạn thất bại qua những từ vựng chủ đề Describing a Time You Were Unsuccessful bên dưới:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Frustration / frʌˈstreɪʃən / noun The feeling of being annoyed or less confident because you cannot achieve what you want (sự thất vọng) disappointment, dismay, dissatisfaction experience, feel, express I could sense his frustration at not being able to help.
2 Disappointment / ˌdɪsəˈpoɪntmənt / noun The feeling of being disappointed (sự thất vọng) discontent, dissatisfaction, frustration conceal, cover, hide She tried to hide her disappointment at not getting the promotion.
3 Failure / ˈfeɪljə / noun The fact of someone or something not succeeding (thất bại) collapse, crash nonachievement inevitable, apparent, complete The meeting was a total failure.
4 Determined / dɪˈtɜːmɪnd / adjective Wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you (quyết tâm, kiên định) decisive, resolute, resolved absolutely, quite, utterly I’m determined to get this piece of work done today.
5 Not worth it / nɒt wɜːθ ˈɪt / Something is not as valuable or important as someone thinks (không đáng) unreturned, ungrateful, unrewarding It requires a bit of patience to learn, but it’s not worth it.
6 Failed / feɪld / adjective Having not succeeded (thất bại) unsuccessful, collapsing, ruined miserably, terribly She has two failed marriages behind her.
7 Confidence / ˈkɒnfɪdəns / noun A feeling of having little doubt about yourself and your abilities (sự tự tin) self-confidence, self-esteem, self-trust great, complete, full He has the confidence to walk into a room of strangers and immediately start a conversation.
8 Persistence / pəˈsɪstəns / noun The fact that someone or something persists (sự kiên trì) tenacity, duration, endurance dogged, remarkable, sheer Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international success.
9 Courage / ˈkʌrɪdʒ / noun The ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult situation (dũng khí, can đảm) bravery, nerve, fearlessness considerable, outstanding, tremendous They showed great courage when they found out about their baby’s disability.
10 Daunting / ˈdɔːntɪŋ / adjective Making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve something (gây nản chí) intimidating, discouraging, dispiriting The country was faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades of division.

Something You Cannot Live Without

Một thứ bạn không thể sống thiếu sẽ được diễn tả một cách mạch lạc khi bạn thành thạo những từ vựng sau.

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Invaluable / ɪnˈvæljʊəbəl / adjective Extremely useful (vô giá) priceless, helpful, valuable prove, become, remain The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.
2 Practical / ˈpræktəkəl / adjective Relating to experience, real situations, or actions rather than ideas or imagination (thực tế) useful, workable, functional lesson, experience, gift Degrees are important but practical experience is always a plus.
3 Useful / ˈjuːsfəl / adjective Effective; helping you to do or achieve something (hữu ích) workable, helpful, constructive enormously, especially, exceptionally A good knife is probably one of the most useful things you can have in a kitchen.
4 Indispensable / ˌɪndɪˈspensəbəl / adjective Too important not to have (không thể thay thế được) all-important, critical, essential absolutely, almost, virtually This book is an indispensable resource for researchers.
5 Function / ˈfʌŋkʃən / noun The way in which something works or operates (chức năng) capacity, place, position crucial, essential, vital It’s a disease that affects the function of the nervous system.
6 Convenient / kənˈviːnɪənt / adjective suitable for your purposes and easy to get to or use (thuận tiện, tiện lợi) accessible, handy, reachable highly, quite, mutually I shop here because it’s convenient.
7 Frequently / ˈfriːkwəntli / adverb Many times (thường xuyên) often, constantly, continually Antonyms – infrequently, rarely, seldom As a child, she frequently withdrew into her own fantasy world.
8 Possession / pəˈzeʃən / noun The fact that you have or own something (tài sản) belongings, holdings, personal property gain, get, obtain This pen that my grandfather gave me is one of my most treasured possessions.
9 Enhance /  ɪnˈhɑːns / verb To improve the quality, amount, or strength of something (cải thiện) enrich, help, improve considerably, dramatically, significantly These scandals will not enhance the organization’s reputation.
10 Necessary / ˈnesəsəri / adjective Needed in order to achieve a particular result (cần thiết) critical, essential, indispensable really, extremely, pretty He lacks the necessary skills for the job.

Describe a Change That Would Improve Your Local Area

Bạn sẽ có thể miêu tả một sự thay đổi mà sẽ phát triển khu vực bạn đang sống bằng tiếng Anh qua những tài liệu bên dưới.

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Beneficial / ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəl / adjective Tending to help; having a good effect (có lợi) helpful, useful, advantageous wholly, clearly, mutually Moderate exercise is really beneficial.
2 Common good / ˈkɒmən ɡʊ / noun The benefit or interests of all (lợi ích chung) public good, public interest, general interest It is time our elected officials stood up for the common good.
3 Improvement / ɪmˈpruːvmənt / noun An occasion when something gets better or when you make it better (sự tiến bộ) advancement, breakthrough, enhancement considerable, enormous, great The improvement in sales figures had a beneficial effect on the company as a whole.
4 Enhance /  ɪnˈhɑːns / verb To improve the quality, amount, or strength of something (cải thiện) enrich, help, improve considerably, dramatically, significantly These scandals will not enhance the organization’s reputation.
5 Viable / ˈvaɪəbəl / adjective Able to work as intended or able to succeed (khả thi) practicable, viable, workable potentially, commercially, financially more research will be required to see if this is a viable solution.
6 Solution  / səˈluːʃən / noun The answer to a problem (biện pháp) answer, result comprehensive, possible, effective There’s no easy solution to this problem.
7 Solve / sɒlv / verb To find an answer to a problem (giải quyết) figure out, unravel, work out effectively, convincingly, easily The police are still no nearer to solving the crime.
8 Initiative / ɪˈnɪʃətɪv / noun A new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem (sáng kiến) action, ambition, drive successful, practical, pioneering The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.
9 Progress / prəˈɡres / noun Movement to an improved or more developed state, or to a forward position (tiến bộ) advancement, development, growth impressive, remarkable, significant Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years.


Công việc là chủ đề nóng hổi. Bạn sẽ có khả năng thảo luận về nó khi học những từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Work sau:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Employee /ˌemploɪˈiː / noun Someone who is paid to work for someone else (người lao động) retainer, worker, workman contemporary, manual, skilled The number of employees in the company has trebled over the past decade.
2 Company /ˈkʌmpəni / noun An organization that sells goods or services in order to make money (công ty) business, corporation, firm business, corporation, firmprivate, start-up, international The commercial future of the company looks very promising.
3 Organization /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃən / noun A group of people who work together in an organized way for a shared purpose (tổ chức) association, board, club local, voluntary, official The article was about the international aid organizations.
4 Corporate /ˈkɔːpərət / adjective Relating to a large company (liên quan tới tập đoàn)


commercial, marketable, mass-market finance, earnings, executives The company’s guests at Ascot are entertained in the corporate hospitality area.
5 Blue-collar / ˈblu: kɒlər / adjective People who do physical work rather than mental work (lao động chân tay) Antonyms – white-collar worker This company usually hires blue-collar workers.
6 Remote work /rɪˈməʊt ˈwɜːk / noun Working from anywhere other than office (làm việc từ xa) remote job, mobile work, distance work find, start, have Many firms are seeing an increase in remote working.
7 Commute /kəˈmjuːt / verb To make the same trip regularly between work and home (đi làm hằng ngày giữa công ty và nhà) travel, shuttle, go back and forth daily, every day It’s exhausting commuting from Brighton to London every day.
8 Occupation /ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃən / noun A person’s job (nghề nghiệp) profession, job, career, work professional, full-time, well-paid Occupations experiencing shortages will need an average of 47% graduates to meet demand.
9 Salary /ˈsæləri / noun The total amount of money that an employee is paid for their job (lương) payment, earnings, wage competitive, low, basic He took a drop in salary when he changed jobs.
10 Private sector / ˈpraɪvɪt ˈsektə / noun Businesses and industries that are not owned or controlled by the government (khu vực tư nhân) economic sector, private ownership, private enterprise employer, investment, company Sixty percent of recent graduates are working in the private sector.

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - TDP IELTS

Từ vựng IELTS chủ đề WORK

Famous People

Bạn sẽ đạt được khả năng nói về người nổi tiếng bằng tiếng Anh khi tham khảo những từ vựng IELTS Speaking chủ đề Celebrities/Famous People:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Iconic / aɪˈkɒnɪ / adjective Very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time (mang tính biểu tượng) symbolic status, image, gesture Thelma and Louise was an instantly iconic feminist road movie.
2 Fame / ˈfeɪm / noun The state of being known for doing something important (danh tiếng) reputation, repute, renown achieve, grow, gaiinternational, showbiz, sportingn The town’s fame rests on its beautiful cathedral.
3 Celebrity / sɪˈlebrɪti / noun A famous person, especially in the entertainment business (người nổi tiếng) celeb, figure, star, VIP international, showbiz, sporting The magazine is all about the lives of celebrities.
4 Adore / əˈdɔː / verb To love and respect someone or sth very much (yêu thích) cherish, love, worship absolutely, simply, clearly Both girls adored their father.
5 Well known / ˈwel noʊn / adjective Known or recognized by many people (nổi tiếng) really, quite, pretty really, quite, pretty She’s a well-known artist.
6 Philanthropist / fəˈlænθrəpəst / noun A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money (nhà nhân đức) helper, supporter, patron leading, private, famous She is a philanthropist who has supported many charities for over twenty years.
7 Activist / ˈæktɪvəst / noun A person who uses or supports strong actions to help make changes in politics or society (nhà hoạt động xã hội) advocate, pation, promoter antiwar, political, He’s been a labor party activist for many years.
8 Diligent / ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/ adjective Careful and using a lot of effort (siêng năng) active, hard-working, occupied person, work, effort Leo is very diligent in his work.
9 Persevering /ˌpɝːsɪˈvɪərɪŋ / adjective Continuing to achieve something despite a difficult or changing situation (kiên nhẫn, bền chí) esolved, determined, persistent effort, spirit, person They have a persevering spirit through hardship.
10 Talented /ˈtæləntəd / adjective With talent, able or skillful (đầy tài năng) gifted, skillful, proficient exceptionally, extraordinarily, incredibly Some of these young musicians are hugely talented.


Bạn bè là một phần không thể thiếu với cuộc sống của mọi người. Nó càng cho thấy tầm quan trọng của việc học những từ vựng IELTS  chủ đề Friends:

STT Từ Phiên âm Loại từ Định nghĩa Từ đồng nghĩa Collocation Ví dụ
1 Lifelong friend / laɪflɒŋ ˈfrend / noun Someone that you connect with, who you think you will be friends with forever (bạn đời, tri kỷ) special friend, long-standing friend special friend, long-standing friend We became lifelong friends even after we grew up and left home.
2 Best friend /best ˈfrend / noun A person’s closest friend (bạn tốt nhất) bestie, close friend, soulmate become, remain, find We have been best friends since high school.
3 Nurture / ˈnɝːtʃər / verb o help a plan or a person to develop and be successful; to take care of, feed, and protect someone or something (khuyến khích) nourish, nurse, encourage children, talent, ambition My friend wanted to find the art school that would best nurture his artistic talent.
4 Same wavelength / ˈseɪm ˈweɪv ˈleŋkθ / idiom To think in a similar way and to understand each other well (cùng tần số với nhau) be cast in the same mould, be of like mind What makes the problem worse is that Howard and Tina are not on the same wavelength about how to deal with it.
5 Hit it off / ˌhɪt ˈɪt ɔːf /  idiom Be naturally friendly or well suited (tâm đầu tý hợp, ăn ý) get on, get along We had similar ideas about the show, and the two of us hit it off right away.
6 Loyal / ˌlɔɪəl / adjective Firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization (trung thành) dedicated, devoted, faithful completely, entirely, totally When all her other friends deserted her, Steve remained loyal.
7 Intimate / ˈɪntəmət / adjective Having a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship (thân mật) close, friendly, familiar relationship, atmosphere, experience They have an intimate relationship.
8 Lose touch / ˈluːz ˈtətʃ / verb To no longer communicate with someone (mất liên lạc) out of touch, out of contact, lose contact I lost touch with my best friend after she moved to Canada.
9 Get back in touch with / ˈget bæk ɪn ˈtʌtʃ wɪθ / verb To speak or write to someone again, especially after you have not spoken to them for a long time (liên lạc lại) get in contact, come back Antonyms – lose contact, lose touch I really want to get back in touch with my childhood friend.
10 Companion / kəmˈpænjən / noun A person you spend a lot of time with often because you are friends or because you are traveling together (người đồng hành) buddy, mate, fellow delightful, faithful, pleasant He was an entertaining travelling companion.
11 Socialize / ˈsoʊʃəlaɪz / verb To spend time with other people for pleasure (hòa mình) associate, hang out, go out with Although he works a lot, Mark still finds time to socialize with friends.

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Tổng hợp từ vựng theo 31 chủ đề phổ biến nhất 

Phương pháp học IELTS Speaking Vocabulary hiệu quả

Việc học, nhớ, và ứng dụng từ vựng có lẽ là một trong những mối bận tâm của bất kỳ ai khi học một ngôn ngữ thứ hai không phải tiếng mẹ đẻ.

Bạn sẽ không còn quá lo lắng nữa nếu biết được phương pháp học IELTS Speaking Vocabulary dưới đây mà TDP chuẩn bị chia sẻ đến bạn. Để có thể học từ vựng IELTS Speaking Vocabulary một các hiệu quả nhất, các bạn có thể tham khảo các bước sau:

  • Bước 1: Bạn có thể sử dụng word document hoặc excel sheet để tạo thành bảng với những cột chứa nội dung chi tiết như sau:






(Loại từ)


(Định nghĩa)


(Ví dụ)


(Phát âm)

Synonyms(Từ đồng nghĩa)
  • Bước 2: Trong quá trình học tập, bạn hãy liệt kê những từ vựng mà bạn chưa biết vào bảng nhé.
  • Bước 3: Các bạn hãy sử dụng từ điển để hoàn thành bảng nhé. Một số từ điển mà bạn có thể tham khảo: Cambridge Dictionary, Oxford English, hay Longman Dictionary, hay Thesaurus.

Ví dụ:






(Loại từ)


(Định nghĩa)


(Ví dụ)


(Phát âm)


(Từ đồng nghĩa)

1 homework noun the work that teachers give students to do at home doing homework is an excellent self-studying method  /ˈhoʊm.wɝːk/ home assignment
  • Lợi ích:

Bảng trên sẽ giúp bạn học đánh vần và phát âm chuẩn, phân loại từ và ứng dụng từ phù hợp ngữ cảnh. Bên cạnh đó, bạn cũng có thể nắm được các từ đồng nghĩa để bổ sung vào kho từ vựng của mình.

Đặc biệt hơn, việc tạo bảng như vậy chính là các bạn đang tự tạo riêng cho mình một bộ từ điển có giá trị sử dụng lâu dài. Ngoài ra, phương pháp trên cũng áp dụng tốt và hỗ trợ bạn trong cả 4 kỹ năng IELTS.

Lời kết

TDP IELTS vừa chia sẻ với bạn học bộ tài liệu IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Tổng hợp từ vựng theo 31 chủ đề phổ biến nhất. Hy vọng với tài liệu được biên soạn bởi TDP IELTS này, độc giả có thể nắm rõ và học tập tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn.

Nếu bạn còn đang phân vân học IELTS ở đâu, đừng ngần ngại tham khảo ngay TDP IELTS qua website hoặc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tdpieltscaptoc, đảm bảo bạn sẽ hết sức hài lòng với dịch vụ mà TDP IELTS mang lại.

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