IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1
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IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1

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IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1 - TDP IELTS
             IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1 – TDP IELTS

Xem thêm: Lộ trình học IELTS từ 0 đến 6.5 cho người mới bắt đầu

Reading Test 1.1: The importance of children’s play

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1.1

Topic: Education



Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
magical (adj) magic (n): ma thuật supernatural   a truly magical story
creativity (n) creative (adj): sáng tạo imagination, innovation   encourage artistic creativity
variety (n) vary (v): thay đổi

variable (adj): có thể thay đổi

diversity, selection, type, kind   the rich variety of sth

different varieties

philosopher (n) philosophy (n): triết học      
decline (v) decline (n): sự tuột dốc, giảm xuống fall, drop, plummet rise, grow, boost a steady decline in sth

a steep decline in sales

perception (n) perceptional (adj): thuộc về nhận thức view, opinion, insight, awareness   general perception

gain the perception

emphasis (n) emphasize (v): nhấn mạnh highlight, stress, mark inderstate, underrate put a heavy emphasis on

lay great emphasis on

initiate (v) initiation (n): sự khởi đầu

initiative (n): sáng kiến

start, introduce, begin, open finish, end, terminate  
well-being (n)   happiness, confort, health   a sense of well-being
diagnosis (n) diagnose (v): chẩn đoán

diagnostic (adj): mang tính chẩn đoán

opinion, analysis   a tentative diagnosis

give a diagnosis

cancer diagnosis

instructional (adj) instruction (n): sự hướng dẫn teaching, coaching, directive    
debate (n) debate (v): bàn luận discuss, argue   encourage public debate

participate in a debate

thoroughly debate

controversy (n) controversial (adj): gây tranh cãi

controversialist (n): người tranh luận

dispute, argument, debate agreement provoke a controversy

a subject of controversy

political controversy

achievement (n) achieve (v): đạt được

achiever (n): người đạt được thành tựu

success, triumph, accomplishment failure outstanding achievement

notable achievement

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1 - TDP IELTS
              IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1 – TDP IELTS

Reading Test 1.2: The growth of bike-sharing schemes around the world

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1.2

Topic: Transportation



Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
original (adj) origin (n): nguồn gốc

originality (n): tính chất độc đáo

foundation, fundamental   completely original
distribute (v) distribution (n): sự phân phát

distributor (n): nhà phân phối

deliver, spread, hand out   randomly distribute
publicise (v) publicity (n): sự công khai

public (adj): công cộng

broadcast, advertise, expose, air suppress widely publicise
symbolic (adj) symbolize (v): tượng trưng cho

symbol (n): biểu tượng

elaborate (adj) elaboration (n): sự tỉ mỉ detailed, sophisticated simple, general highly elaborate
calculation (n) calculate (v): tính toán

calculator (n): máy tính

estimation, scheming   make a calculation

financial calculation

glorious (adj) glorify (v): tuyên dương, ca ngợi

glorification (n): sự tuyên dương

wonderful, splendid, outstanding shameful, humble, dull, plain  
discourage (v) discouragement (n): sự chán nản

discouraged (adj): nản lòng, thoái chí

prevent, depress, disappoint encourage, cheer be easily discouraged
conscious (adj) consciousness (n): trạng thái tỉnh táo aware, mindful unconscious be environmental conscious

be politically conscious

possibility (n) possible (adj): có khả năng, có thể chance, likelihood impossibility a strong possibility

face the real possibility

theft (n) thief (n): tên trộm robbery, burglary, mugging   car theft
abolish (v) abolition (n): sự bãi bỏ

abolishment (n): sự hủy bỏ

eliminate, stop, eradicate establish, form abolish the tax
decisive (adj) decide (v): quyết định

decision (n): sự quyết định

vital, important, significant insignificant potentially decisive factor
optimistic (adj) optimist (n): người lạc quan

optimize (v): làm lạc quan

hopeful, positive, bright pessimistic remain strongly optimistic

an optimistic view

dominate (v) domination (n): sự thống trị control, rule   dominate the conversation
IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1 - TDP IELTS
               IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1 – TDP IELTS

Tìm hiểu thêm:

Reading Test 1.3: Motivational factors and the hospitality industry

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 1.3

Topic: Business, Psychology



Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
superior (adj) superiority (n): sự vượt trội better, greater, excellent low, humber, inferior  
accomplished (adj) accomplish (v): hoàn thành, đạt được

accomplishment (n): thành tựu

talented, skillful, proficient, capable inexperienced, amateur a technically accomplished musician
acquire (v) acquirement (n): sự đạt được, tài năng cultivate, develop, form lose, give up  
foster (v)   adopt, bring up, raise abandon foster a child

foster a cat

inadequate (adj) adequacy (n): sự đầy đủ, thích đáng insufficient adequate, sufficient, enough, plenty professionally inadequate

totally inadequate

compromise (v) compromise (n): sự thỏa hiệp

compromission (n): sự hòa giải, dàn xếp

deal, negotiate, agreement   an uneasy compromise

an acceptable compromise

make a compromise

obligated (adj) obligation (n): nghĩa vụ, bổn phận

obligate (v): bắt buộc

thankful, indebted    
separate (v) seperation (n): sự chia cắt, tách rời

separate (adj): riêng biệt

divide, slit, rift, part attach, join separate the world

completely separate

inspire (v) inspiration (n): nguồn cảm hứng

inspiring (adj): mang lại cảm hứng

encourage, stimulate discourage  
competent (adj) competence (n): năng lực, khả năng   incompetent highly competent official

be competent in sth

favorable (adj) favorite (n): vật, người được yêu thích

favorite (adj): ưa thích

favour (n): thiện ý, đặc ân

beneficial (adj) benefit (n): lợi ích useful, helpful, advantageous detrimental, harmful highly beneficial

mutually beneficial

delicate (adj)   damaged, fragile, frail strong, rough, inelegant a politically delicate situation

a delicate subject

simultaneously (adv) simultaneous (adj): đồng thời

simultaneousness (n): sự đồng thời

appropriate (adj) appropriateness (n): sự thích hợp suitable, fitting, apt unsuitable, inappropriate  

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