IELTS General Writing Task 1 - Cấu trúc Và Bài mẫu
Học IELTS dễ dàng hơn - TDP IELTS

IELTS General Writing Task 1 – Cách Viết Thư, Cấu Trúc Và Bài Mẫu Chi Tiết

Trong bài thi IELTS General Writing Task 1, sẽ rất khó kiếm được thang điểm IELTS cao nếu bạn không hiểu rõ về cấu trúc và cách làm bài của nó.

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IELTS General Writing Task 1

Hôm nay, TDP IELTS sẽ giúp bạn chinh phục phần thi IELTS General Writing Task 1. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu nhé!

Xem thêm: Khóa học IELTS định cư – Luyện thi IELTS General cấp tốc

Cấu trúc thư IELTS General Writing Task 1 

  • Lời mở đầu (Bày tỏ đến người được viết thư)
  • Mục đích của lá thư
  • Những nội dung chính của thư
  • Câu kết lịch sự
  • Lời chào kết thúc (Chữ ký)

Ví dụ General IELTS Writing Task 1

Dear Gary, [Lời chào]

I hope you are doing well. I’m doing fine, though my life is quite hectic at the moment. I’m writing to you about my television, which I’ve decided to sell . [Mục đích của lá thư]

As you know, I am moving abroad and there is so much to do! There are a few things that I can’t take with me because they are too big so I am seeing if any of my friends would be interested in buying them. One of the things I do not want to take with me is my television. I think given to cost of shipping it, it would make sense to buy a new one when I get there. [Nội dung chính 1]

It’s a 32“ flat screen TV, and it’s a Phillips model. It has a USB port so you can just plug in a thumb drive to watch movies or listen to music. It has great stereo surround sound. It’s also a smart TV so you can get Netflix, YouTube etc. [Nội dung chính 2]

I’m leaving the country at the end of the month, which is only two weeks away. So if you want to see it, it would be best to come on 20th or 21st. That will give me time to sell it elsewhere if you are not interested. [Nội dung chính 3]

Ok, I look forward to seeing you. Let me know if you can’t make it. [Câu kết lịch sự]

All the best, [Lời chào kết thúc]

John. [Chữ ký]

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Cách mở đầu và kết thúc thư

Có 3 dạng thư mà bạn có thể sẽ gặp trong Task 1 – IELTS General Training:

Formal Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

  • Nội dung của thư

Yours faithfully,

Ian Smith

Semi-formal Letter

Dear Mrs Taylor,

  • Nội dung của thư

Yours sincerely,

Ian Smith

Informal Letter

Dear Mick,

  • Nội dung của thư

All the best,


Cách triển khai nội dung thư IELTS Writing General Task 1

IELTS General writing task 1 Informal Letter

Thư nêu mục đích

  • I’m just writing to let you know that…. : Tôi viết thư này để bạn biết là…
  •  I’m writing to tell you about…. : Tôi viết thư này để nói với bạn là…

Thư xin lỗi

  • I’m very sorry about….. : Tôi rất tiếc về …
  • I’d like to apologise for….: Tôi muốn xin lỗi về …

Thư nhờ giúp đỡ

  • I’d be really grateful if you could….. : Tôi rất biết ơn nếu bạn có thể …
  • I was wondering if you would give me a hand with…..: Tôi tự hỏi là bạn có thể giúp tôi …
  • I was wondering if you would do me a favour.: Tôi tự hỏi là bạn có thể giúp tôi…

Thư bài tỏ hài lòng

  • I was over the moon to hear about…. : Tôi cực kỳ vui mừng khi nghe là…
  • I was thrilled to find out that/about……: Tôi cực kỳ vui mừng khi biết là…

Thư báo tin xấu

  • I’m afraid I’ve a bit of bad news for you. : Tôi e là tôi có vài tin xấu cho bạn.

Kết thúc thư

  • All the best. : Chúc bạn những điều tốt nhất.
  • Keep in touch. : Giữ liên lạc nhé.

IELTS General writing task 1 Formal Letter

Cách viết mở đầu thư

  • I am writing this letter with regard to… : Tôi viết thư này liên quan đến …
  • I am writing to bring to your attention… : Tôi viết thư này để thu hút sự chú ý của bạn…
  • I am writing to inform you that… : Tôi viết thư này để thông báo với bạn là …
  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with….. : Tôi viết thư này để bài tỏ sự không hài lòng về …

Cách viết yêu cầu và đề xuất

  • I would be grateful if you would… : Tôi sẽ rất biết ơn nếu bạn …
  • I would like you to… : Tôi muốn bạn …
  • I am entitled to request that you…. : Tôi yêu cầu bạn …
  • I was wondering if it would be at all possible to….: Tôi tự hỏi là bạn có thể …
  • I would like to suggest that…. : Tôi muốn đề xuất là…

Cách viết kết thúc thư

  • I look forward to hearing from you. : Tôi rất mong đợi nghe phản hồi từ bạn.
  • I look forward to receiving your response. : Tôi rất mong đợi nhận câu trả lời từ bạn.
  • I await your prompt service. : Tôi mong đợi dịch vụ nhanh chóng của bạn.
  • I thank you for your consideration. : Cám ơn bạn vì đã cân nhắc.
  • Please respond at the earliest convenience. : Vui lòng phản hồi trong thời gian sớm nhất.
ielts general writing task 1 - TDP IELTS
IELTS Writing Task 1 for General training.

IELTS General Writing Task 1 samples

IELTS General Writing Task 1 Formal Letter sample

Sample 1

“On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately, you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost.

Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter

  • describe the item you lost
  • explain how you lost it
  • tell the insurance company what you would like them to do.”

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to inform you that I recently lost my digital camera while on holiday in Vietnam.

The camera is a black Canon 70d and cost $1550 when I bought it new last month. It has a resolution of 20 megapixels, a Canon 67 millimeter lens and was in a brown leather case with my name on it.

I lost it when I was having coffee with my husband in the backpacker area of Ho Chi Minh City. I believe the coffee shop was called Highlands Coffee and it was on Pham Ngu Lao Street. We had been at the coffee shop for around 45 minutes when I noticed it was missing .

I am entitled to make a claim for the value of the above mentioned item and request that you send me details on what I need to do in order to proceed.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully

John Smith

Các cấu trúc cần ghi nhớ
  1. inform: thông báo
  2. I recently lost: tôi gần đây đã mất
  3. with my name on it: có tên tôi ở trên
  4. when I noticed it was missing: khi tôi để ý nó đã mất
  5. I am entitled to make a claim for the value of the above mentioned item: Tôi được ủy thác để được khai báo giá trị của món đồ kể trên
  6. request that you send me details on what I need to do in order to proceed: yêu cầu các ông gửi thông tin chi tiết tôi cần làm gì để làm thủ tục
  7. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience: Tôi mong đợi nghe tin từ các ông trong thời gian thuận tiện sớm nhất

Xem thêm: Cách viết IELTS General Writing Task 1 Letter of Request

 Sample 2

“You have recently learned about an opening for an internship at a local company that you are interested in.

Write a letter to the director of the company. In your letter,

  • introduce yourself
  • explain how you learned about the internship
  • explain why you would be suitable for the internship”

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to express my sincere interest in the internship which you recently advertised.

I am currently a graphic design student at Loyola University here in Chicago and am in my third year of study. I am from Chicago and have lived my entire life in the region and have also long been an admirer of your firm.

I learned about the internship from an advertisement I saw last week in Crain’s Chicago Business newspaper. I am interested in finding an internship and frequently read this publication in search of suitable opportunities. The moment I saw your company’s advertisement, I knew the position was perfect for me.

I would be a great addition to your team at Periscope because I am very passionate about graphic design, and also have an educational background that fits your firm’s criteria. I would love to explore this passion during an internship, and am also very familiar with your firm and the region.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Maria Maldonado

Các cấu trúc cần ghi nhớ
  1. I am writing to you to express my sincere interest in the internship which you recently advertised: Tôi viết thư để bày tỏ sự quan tâm chân thành với kỳ thực tập mà quý công ty gần đây quảng cáo.
  2. I am currently: Tôi hiện đang là
  3. in my third year of study: đang học năm Ba đại học
  4. lived my entire life in the region: đã sống cả đời ở khu này
  5. I learned about the internship from an advertisement: đã là một người hâm mộ của quý công ty
  6. I learned about the internship from an advertisement: Tôi đã biết về kỳ thực tập này từ một quảng cáo
  7. I am interested in finding an internship: Tôi quan tâm tìm một kỳ thực tập
  8. I knew the position was perfect for me: Tôi biết vị trí này là hoàn hảo với tôi
  9. I would be a great addition to your team: Tôi sẽ là một đóng góp tuyệt vời vào đội nhóm tại quý công ty
  10. I am very passionate about: Tôi rất đam mê về
  11. have an educational background that fits your firm’s criteria: có nền tảng giáo dục phù hợp với tiêu chí của quý công ty
  12. very familiar with your firm and the region: rất quen thuộc với quý công ty và khu vực này
  13. I look forward to hearing from you: Tôi chờ tin từ quý công ty

Sample 3

“You live in an apartment building but are having trouble with the behavior of your neighbors. Write a letter to inform the building manager of the situation. In your letter,

  • explain who you are
  • describe the situation concerning your neighbors’ behavior
  • suggest how the situation could be dealt with”

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to complain about a recurring situation I have been encountering as a resident of Congress Condominiums.

To begin, my name is David Stallworth and I am a resident of apartment 5A. I have been living in my condominium for the last 3 years, and the first two were very enjoyable. For the most part, I am still quite content with my overall living situation.

However, in the last year, the condominiums on both sides of mine were sold to my new neighbors. They are very nice, but the trouble is that they are quite young and have a penchant for coming home very late and playing music incredibly loudly, which disturbs my sleep.

I would appreciate it if you would speak to my neighbors about this. I do not want to cause them any trouble, but I would like them to be reminded of the building regulations regarding noise and clearly understand that playing loud music at night is negatively affecting their neighbors.

I look forward to your response 10.

Yours faithfully,

David Stallworth

Các cấu trúc cần ghi nhớ
  1. I am writing to you to complain about a recurring situation I have been encountering: Tôi viết thư cho ông/ bà phàn nàn về một tình huống xảy ra nhiều lần mà tôi đã và đang gặp phải
  2. and I am a resident of apartment: Tôi là cư dân của chung cư
  3. have a penchant for coming home very late: có một thói quen về nhà rất trễ
  4. playing music incredibly loudly: bật nhạc cực kỳ lớn
  5. which disturbs my sleep: phá giấc ngủ của tôi
  6. I would appreciate it if you would speak to my neighbors about this: Tôi biết ơn nếu ông/ bà nói chuyện với hàng xóm của tôi về chuyện này
  7. I do not want to cause them any trouble: Tôi không muốn gây ra rắc rối nào
  8. I would like them to be reminded of the building regulations: Tôi muốn họ được nhắc nhở về nội quy của tòa nhà
  9. playing loud music at night is negatively affecting their neighbors: bật nhạc ồn ào vào ban đêm đang ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến hàng xóm
  10. I look forward to your response: Tôi trông chờ phản hồi của ông/ bà

IELTS  General Writing Task 1 Informal Letter Sample

IELTS general writing task 1 - TDP IELTS
IELTS General Writing Task 1

Sample 1

“You have recently started work in a new company.

Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter

  • explain why you changed jobs
  • describe your new job
  • tell him/her your other news”

Dear Tom

I’m just writing to let you know I quit my old job and found something new.

I was really fed up with being a brain surgeon because it wasn’t really much of a challenge anymore. You know me; if I’m not learning new tricks, I get bored too easily and have to find something new.

I’m now teaching English as a foreign language in Vietnam and it suits me down to the ground. I teach two adult classes and a kindergarten class, which is not only challenging but also rewarding too. Can you believe it?

I also have some other amazing news – I’m getting married. She was one of my first ever students and I guess it was love at first sight for both of us. Make sure you keep the first weekend in July free, so you can come and celebrate with us.

Keep in touch


Các cấu trúc cần ghi nhớ
  1. I’m just writing to let you know: Mình viết thư để cho bạn biết
  2. I was really fed up with: Mình thật sự chán
  3. and it suits me down to the ground: và nó hợp với mình hoàn toàn
  4. not only challenging but also rewarding too: không chỉ thách thức mà còn rất xứng đáng
  5. I also have some other amazing news: Mình cũng có vài tin tuyệt vời
  6. Make sure you keep the first weekend in July free, so you can come and celebrate with us: Nhớ giữ cuối tuần đầu tiên của tháng Bảy rảnh, để bạn có thể đến chung vui với chúng mình
  7. Keep in touch: Giữ liên lạc nhé 

Sample 2

“You are going on holiday next week and you need to ask your friend to watch your dog while you are away.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,

  • state how long you will be away
  • tell them what needs to be done
  • state how you will compensate them”

Hey Tim,

I’m going to be on vacation next month and I wanted to see if you could take care of my dog while I’m away.

As you know, I’ve been thinking about vacationing in Jamaica for a long time. Well, last week I finally took the plunge and decided to book a 2-week trip. I wish I could have booked a longer stay, but that is all the time I could get off work.

I would be so thankful if you watched Toto while I was away. He’s a very calm dog and doesn’t require much maintenance. All you will need to do is feed him twice a day and take him on a walk each evening, and there’s plenty of dog food in the house.

If you can do this favor for me, I will be happy to take you and your girlfriend out to El Gaucho because I know you love steak.  I will even book the VIP room where Brad Pitt and Angelena Jolie dined when they visited Ho Chi Minh City.

Let me know if you can help me out with this.

Best regards,


 Các cấu trúc cần ghi nhớ
  1. I’m going to be on vacation next month: Mình sẽ đi nghỉ vào tháng sau
  2. I wanted to see if you could take care of my dog while I’m away: Mình muốn hỏi liệu bạn có thể giúp mình chăm sóc chó giúp mình khi mình vắng nhà
  3. I’ve  been thinking about: Mình đã nghĩ về
  4. last week I finally took the plunge and decided to: Tuần trước mình đã đánh liều và quyết định
  5. I would be so thankful if: Mình rất cảm ơn nếu
  6. All you will need to do: Tất cả những gì bạn cần làm là
  7. If you can do this favor for me, I will be happy to take you and your girlfriend out to: Nếu bạn có thể giúp mình việc này, mình sẽ rất vui dẫn bạn và bạn gái của bạn đi ăn ở
  8. Let me know if you can help me out with this: Hãy cho mình biết nếu bạn có thể giúp mình chuyện này

Sample 3

“Your friend from overseas is coming to visit you next month.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,

  • tell them what they need to bring
  • tell them what they will be doing during the time they are visiting
  • warn them about some things that might be challenging”

Hey Sarah,

I’m so happy you are coming to visit me next month and I wanted to give you some important details about your stay here in Ho Chi Minh City.

Before you come, make sure that you have the correct visa or you’ll have problems at the airport. You’ll also want to bring some high quality mosquito repellent. If you aren’t protected, the mosquitos will eat you alive out here. These are the only things you’ll really need, aside from the things you would normally bring.

There are so many things for us to do when you arrive. We’ll be spending the first few days in the city, but after that we can explore other parts of the country. Vietnam is a beautiful place, with so much to see and experience. I know you’ll enjoy your time here.

With that said, there is something that I want to warn you about. The way people drive in this country is absolutely insane. It’s every man for himself on the road and nobody follows the rules.  Luckily, we’ll be traveling by train most of the time, so we won’t be in the mix too much.

I look forward to seeing you soon10!


Các cấu trúc cần ghi nhớ
  1. I’m so happy you are coming to visit me next month: Mình rất vui khi bạn sẽ đến thăm mình tháng sau
  2. give you some important details about your stay here: cho bạn biết một số chi tiết về chuyện bạn ở đây
  3. make sure that you have the correct visa: Hãy chắc rằng bạn có visa đúng loại
  4. bring some high quality mosquito repellent: đem theo kem chống muỗi loại tốt
  5. the mosquitoes will eat you alive out here: Muỗi sẽ ăn sống bạn ở đây mất
  6. aside from the things you would normally bring: ngoài những thứ bạn thường đem
  7. There are so many things for us to do when you arrive: Có nhiều thứ chúng ta có thể làm khi bạn đến
  8. explore other parts of the country: Khám phá những nơi khác của đất nước
  9. I know you’ll enjoy your time here: Mình biết bạn sẽ thích thời gian ở đây
  10. I look forward to seeing you soon: Mình trông chờ gặp bạn sớm.

Lời kết

TDP IELTS – Luyện thi IELTS cấp tốc vừa mới gửi đến bạn toàn bộ nội dung liên quan đến IELTS General Writing Task 1 bao gồm cấu trúc, ví dụ và hướng dẫn cách viết thư informal và formal letters strong IELTS. Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ hữu ích cho bạn trong quá trình ôn luyện và thi IELTS.

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