Chinh phục dạng bài IELTS Reading Sentence Completion
Học IELTS dễ dàng hơn - TDP IELTS

Chinh phục dạng bài IELTS Reading Sentence Completion

IELTS Reading Sentence Completion là dạng bài không quá khó nhưng để đạt điểm cao bạn cần chú ý tới cấu trúc ngữ pháp của câu. TDP mách nhỏ bạn cách làm bài dạng Sentence Completion một cách nhanh gọn.


Complete Sentences là gì?

Sentence Completion là dạng bài điền từ sẽ xuất hiện dưới nhiều dạng câu hỏi khác nhau: đoạn văn, bảng, biểu đồ, tóm tắt, câu trả lời ngắn…  Thông thường, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu dùng các từ có sẵn trong đoạn văn để điền vào chỗ trống. Tuy nhiên, đôi lúc bạn sẽ được cho sẵn một list các từ cần điền.

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Chiến thuật làm bài IELTS Reading Sentence Completion

Words from the text – Đáp án nằm trong đoạn văn

Bước 1: Đọc kỹ yêu cầu đề bài. Bạn cần để ý:

– Giới hạn từ (one word, two words, one/two word(s) and/or a number)

– Nguồn từ (“from the text” hay “from the list”).

Bước 2: Đọc câu hỏi đầu tiên, gạch từ khóa, xác định loại từ ở từng chỗ trống.

Tips: Ngoài việc xác định loại từ (danh từ, động từ, tính từ), bạn cũng nên đoán trước nội dung của từ cần điền để dễ dàng thu hẹp phạm vi tìm kiếm.

Ví dụ: They like to eat meat but they can’t always get it, even though they are skilled with their weapons, e.g. (1)………. and (2)………. .

Ở câu này, hai đáp án cần tìm sẽ là hai danh từ. Để giới hạn phạm vi tìm kiếm, bạn có thể xác định nội dung của hai danh từ này: “with their weapons” → hai từ còn thiếu là hai loại vũ khí.

Bước 3: Scan bài đọc để khoanh vùng đoạn văn chứa thông tin. Đọc đoạn văn và tìm đáp án cho câu hỏi vừa đọc. Để ý kỹ các từ đã được paraphrase.

Bước 4: Ghi đáp án, kiểm tra ngữ pháp cả câu và số từ cần điền.

Bước 5: Lặp lại bước 2, 3 và 4.

Words from the list – Đáp án cho sẵn

Các bước làm dạng bài này tương tự với cách làm dạng trên, ngoại trừ:

– Sau khi tìm thấy đáp án trong bài, bạn cần tìm từ đồng nghĩa của đáp án này trong list cho sẵn rồi mới điền vào ô trống

– Nếu các từ cho sẵn được ký hiệu A, B, C, D,…, bạn phải điền những chữ cái này thay vì điền từ.


– Đáp án xuất hiện trong bài theo trình tự câu hỏi

Các từ có dấu gạch nối ở giữa (như long-term) được tính là một từ

Nếu là dạng Summary (tóm tắt), để ý xem đoạn này có được đặt tên hay không. Nếu có, bạn chỉ cần xác định các đoạn văn chứa tên này và đọc kỹ để tìm đáp án. Nếu không, các đáp án có thể trải dài rải rác toàn bài đọc.

Luôn kiểm tra ngữ pháp của cả câu. Từ cần điền phải phù hợp cả về nghĩa lẫn ngữ pháp với toàn bộ câu hỏi. Bạn không được tự mình chia động từ/thay đổi loại từ.

Bài tập IELTS Reading Sentence Completion mẫu 

Meerkat study

Dr Alex Thornton from the University of Cambridge recently led a study into meerkat society. Meerkats are highly social mongooses that live in large social groups and take turns foraging for food and standing guard to look out for predators. Research has shown that the animals have their own traditions within their group. For example, while members of one meerkat troop will consistently rise very early, those of another will emerge from their burrows much later in the morning.

In an attempt to assess whether meerkats simply copy these behavior patterns or are taught them, Thornton and his team travelled to the Kalahari Desert and set a series of tests for a group in the wild. One test involved putting a scorpion (the meerkats’ favourite food) into a transparent container. The meerkats had to work out how to open the opaque lid of the container in order to reach the scorpion inside. The tests showed that the more subordinate juvenile members of meerkat troops are the most innovative when it comes to foraging – these low-ranking males were best at solving problems and obtaining the treat. However, Dr Thornton conceded that the meerkats didn’t ever appear to work out that it was the opaque surface of the box that they should attack in preference to the transparent

ones. So, this may simply be evidence of persistence rather than actual intelligence.


Read the text carefully and choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text to complete each answer in the summary.

A recent study at Cambridge University discovered that different meerkat groups 1 ………………………… at different times of the day. This demonstrates that each group has distinct customs. They also learned that young, male meerkats were more 2 …………………………than other members of their social groups when it came to problem solving. The researchers conducted an experiment where the meerkats had to try to open a container. If they did, they were rewarded with a 3 ………………………… . However, they also found that the meerkats never learned that it was the 4 ………………………… part of the container that they needed to open.ielts reading sentence completion-tdp ielts

Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách làm bài dạng Sentence Completion

Bước Cách làm Giải thích
Bước 1: Đọc kỹ yêu cầu đề bài. Để ý Giới hạn từ và Nguồn từ  Read the text carefully and choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text to complete each answer in the summary. Nên gạch chân/khoanh tròn yêu cầu đề bài để không quên khi làm bài→ Đề yêu cầu MỘT TỪ, nguồn từ: trong bài
Bước 2: Đọc câu hỏi, gạch từ khóa, xác định loại từ ở từng chỗ trống A recent study at Cambridge University discovered that different meerkat groups 1 ………………………… at different times of the day. Vế “different meerkat groups … at different times of the day” thiếu một Động từ.
Bước 3: Scan bài đọc để khoanh vùng đoạn văn chứa thông tin. Đọc đoạn văn và tìm đáp án cho câu hỏi vừa đọc. Để ý kỹ các từ đã được paraphrase. Các từ khóa tìm thấy ở đoạn đầu: Dr Alex Thornton from the University of Cambridge recently led a studyResearch has shown that…while members of one meerkat troop will consistently rise very early, those of another will emerge from their burrows much later in the morning. Từ khóa: (trừ các tên riêng)– study = research– recent = recently– different times = very early/later in the morning
Bước 4: Ghi đáp án, kiểm tra ngữ pháp cả câu và số từ cần điền. A recent study at Cambridge University discovered that different meerkat groups 1 rise/ emerge at different times of the day. Đáp án đúng: rise/emerge(cả 2 đều đúng, chỉ cần điền 1 trong 2)
Bước 5: Lặp lại bước 2, 3 và 4. They also learned that young, male meerkats were more 2 …………………………than other members of their social groups when it came to problem solving.Scanning tìm các từ khóa:The tests showed that the more subordinate juvenile members of meerkat troops are the most innovative when it comes to foraging – these low-ranking males were best at solving problems and obtaining the treat. – Loại từ cần điền: tính từ (so sánh hơn)Từ khóa:– young = juvenile– male = male– troop = social group– problem-solving = solving problemsĐáp án đúng: innovative
The researchers conducted an experiment where the meerkats had to try to open a container. If they did, they were rewarded with a 3 ………………………… .Scanning tìm các từ khóa: The meerkats had to work out how to open the opaque lid of the container in order to reach the scorpion inside… and obtaining the treat. – Loại từ cần điền: danh từ (đứng sau “a”)Từ khóa:– try to open = work out how to open– did-rewarded = in order to reach = obtainĐáp án đúng: scorpion/treat(cả 2 đều đúng, chỉ cần điền 1 trong 2)
However, they also found that the meerkats never learned that it was the 4 ………………………… part of the container that they needed to open.Scanning tìm các từ khóa: However, Dr Thornton conceded that the meerkats didn’t ever appear to work out that it was the opaque surface of the box that they should attack in preference to the transparent ones. Loại từ cần điền: tính từ (đứng trước danh từ)Từ khóa:– found = conceded– learned = work out– part = surface– container = box– open = attackĐáp án đúng: opaque

Luyện tập đề IELTS Reading Sentence Completion

Practice test 1

Let’s Go Bats



What else might the engineer think of? Well, blind humans sometimes seem to have an uncanny sense of obstacles in their path. It has been given the name ‘facial vision’, because blind people have reported that it feels a bit like the sense of touch, on the face. One report tells of a totally blind boy who could ride his tricycle at good speed round the block near his home, using facial vision. Experiments showed that, in fact, facial vision has nothing to do with touch or the front of the face, although the sensation may be referred to the front of the face, like the referred pain in a phantom limb. The sensation of facial vision, it turns out, really goes in through the ears. Blind people, without even being aware of the fact, are actually using echoes of their own footsteps and of other sounds, to sense the presence of obstacles. Before this was discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship. After this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines. Both sides in the Second World War relied heavily on these devices, under such codenames as Asdic (British) and Sonar (American), as well as Radar (American) or RDF (British), which uses radio echoes rather than sound echoes.


The Sonar and Radar pioneers didn’t know it then, but all the world now knows that bats, or rather natural selection working on bats, had perfected the system tens of millions of years earlier, and their radar achieves feats of detection and navigation that would strike an engineer dumb with admiration. It is technically incorrect to talk about bat ‘radar’, since they do not use radio waves. It is sonar but the underlying mathematical theories of radar and sonar are very similar and much of our scientific understanding of the details of what bats are doing has come from applying radar theory to them. The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term ‘echolocation’ to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments.

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the Passage for each answer.

Facial Vision

Blind people report that so-called ‘facial vision’ is comparable to the sensation of touch on the face. In fact, the sensation is more similar to the way in which pain from a (1)……………………arm or leg might be felt. The ability actually comes from perceiving (2)………..…………..through the ears. However, even before this was understood, the principle had been applied in the design of instruments which calculated the (3)……….…………..of the seabed. This was followed by a wartime application in devices for finding (4)………………

Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the Passage for each answer.

  1. Long before the invention of radar, ………………………… had resulted in a sophisticated radar-like system in bats.
  2. Radar is an inaccurate term when referring to bats because ………………………… are not used in their navigation system.
  3. Radar and sonar are based on similar …………………………
  4. The word ‘echolocation’ was first used by someone working as a  …………………………

Practice test 2



Lozanov experimented with teaching by direct suggestion during sleep, hypnosis and trance states, but found such procedures unnecessary. Hypnosis, yoga, Silva mind-control, religious ceremonies and faith healing are all associated with successful suggestion, but none of their techniques seem to be essential to it. Such rituals may be seen as placebos. Lozanov acknowledges that the ritual surrounding suggestion in his own system is also a placebo, but maintains that without such a placebo people are unable or afraid to tap the reserve capacity of their brains. Like any placebo, it must be dispensed with authority to be effective. Just as a doctor calls on the full power of autocratic suggestion by insisting that the patient take precisely this white capsule precisely three times a day before meals, Lozanov is categoric in insisting that the suggestopedic session be conducted exactly in the manner designated, by trained and accredited suggestopedic teachers.

While suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanov and his associates. We can, perhaps, attribute mediocre results to an inadequate placebo effect. The students have not developed the appropriate mind set. They are often not motivated to learn through this method. They do not have enough ‘faith’. They do not see it as ‘real teaching’, especially as it does not seem to involve the ‘work’ they have learned to believe is essential to learning.

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-K, below.

Write the correct letter A-K.

Sugestopedia uses a less direct method of suggestion than other techniques such as hypnosis. However, Lozanov admits that a certain amount of (1)……………… is necessary in order to convince students, even if this is just a (2)……………………. Furthermore, if the method is to succeed, teachers must follow a set procedure. Although Lozanov’s method has become quite (3)………………., the result of most other teachers using this method have been (4)…………………

A spectacular         

B teaching                          

C lesson                

D authoritarian        

E unpopular

F ritual                   

G unspectacular     

H placebo

I involved                

J appropriate

K well known

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Practice test 3

Sheet Glass Manufacture: the Float Process


Glass, which has been made since the time of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, is little more than a mixture of sand, soda ash and lime. When heated to about 1500 degrees Celsius (°C) this becomes a molten mass that hardens when slowly cooled. The first successful method for making clear, flat glass involved spinning. This method was very effective as the glass had not touched any surfaces between being soft and becoming hard, so it stayed perfectly unblemished, with a ‘fire finish’. However, the process took a long time and was labour intensive.

Nevertheless, demand for flat glass was very high and glassmakers across the world were looking for a method of making it continuously. The first continuous ribbon process involved squeezing molten glass through two hot rollers, similar to an old mangle. This allowed glass of virtually any thickness to be made non-stop, but the rollers would leave both sides of the glass marked, and these would then need to be ground and polished. This part of the process rubbed away around 20 per cent of the glass, and the machines were very expensive.

The float process for making flat glass was invented by Alistair Pilkington. This process allows the manufacture of clear, tinted and coated glass for buildings, and clear and tinted glass for vehicles. Pilkington had been experimenting with improving the melting process, and in 1952 he had the idea of using a bed of molten metal to form the flat glass, eliminating altogether the need for rollers within the float bath. The metal had to melt at a temperature less than the hardening point of glass (about 600°C), but could not boil at a temperature below the temperature of the molten glass (about 1500°C). The best metal for the job was tin.

Complete the table and diagram below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the Passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet.

Method Advantages Disadvantages
(1)    ……………… – Glass remained (2)……………… – Slow

– (3) ………………

Ribbon – Could produce glass sheets of varying

(4) ………………

– Non-stop process

– Glass was (5) ………………

– 20% of glass rubbed away

– Machines were expensive

Xem thêm: IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 14 Reading Test 2

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