IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4
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IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4

TDP IELTS chia sẻ đến bạn từ vựng tổng hợp IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4. Học thêm những từ dưới đây cùng TDP IELTS nhé!

Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4 - TDP IELTS
Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4 – TDP IELTS

Xem thêm: Lộ trình học IELTS từ 0 đến 6.5 cho người mới bắt đầu

Reading Test 4.1: Roman Tunnels

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4.1

Topic: Architecture

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4.1 sẽ trở nên dễ dàng hơn khi bạn nắm vững những từ vựng bên dưới:



Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
construction (n) construct (v): xây dựng

constructive (adj): mang tính xây dựng

building destruction brick construction

construction site

civilization (n) civilize (v): khai khóa society, community   the collapse of a civilization

advanced civilization

vertical (adj) vertically (adv): theo chiều dọc upright, straight    
determine (v) determination (n): sự quyết tâm

determined (adj): quyết tâm, xác định

decide, resolve confuse, , unsettle  
adjustment (n) adjust (v): thay đổi

adjustable (adj): có thể thay đổi

change, alteration fixtation minor adjustment

the process of adjustment

Reading Test 4.2: Changes In Reading Habits

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4.2

Topic: Psychology

Bên dưới là một số từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Psychology cho bộ từ IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4:

  WF Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
implication (n) implicate (v): ngụ ý, ám chỉ clue, hint, message   consider the implication

long-term implications

transformation (n) transform (v): thay đổi changeover, adjustment preservation revolutionary transformation

carry out tranfsformation

acquisition (n) acquisitive (adj): có khả năng học hỏi accomplishment, obtainment loss, depletion language acquisition

make the acquisition

intellectual (adj) intellect (n): trí tuệ smart, clever, brilliant slow, dumb, foolish  
critical (adj) critic (n): nhà phê bình

critisize (v): phê bình, chỉ trích

captious, judgmental    
analysis (n) analyse (v): phân tích investigation, examination, report   financial analysis

strategic analysis

give a brief analysis

generation (n) generate (v): tạo ra group, category, period   from generation to generation
innovation (n) innovate (v): cách tân


development, invention, discovery   industrial innovation

technical innovation

confront (v) confrontation (n): sự đối đầu oppose, tackle, attack    
humanity (n) humanism (n): chủ nghĩa nhân đạo humankind, people, human beings   common humanity
comprehend (v) comprehension (n): sự lĩnh hội

comprehensive (adj): thông minh, sáng ý

perceive, know, realize, understand miss, mistake, misunderstand fail to comprehend

fully comprehend

superior (adj) superiority (n): sự vượt trội notable, dominant, proud modest, timid be greatly superior to
irrational (adj) rational (adj): theo lý trí illogical, unreasonable rational, logical, reasonable apparently irrational
principle (n)   rule, standard, norm, belief   the basic principle

compromise the principle

Reading Test 4.3: Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence.

IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4.3

Topic: Technology

Dưới đây là những từ vựng IELTS Reading Vocabulary Cambridge IELTS 16 Reading Test 4.3 dành riêng cho bạn. Hãy lướt qua và đọc để hiểu rõ hơn về bài reading nhé:



Family words Synonyms Antonyms Collocations
crime (n) criminal (n): tội phạm evil, violation, wrongdoing   drug-related crime

commit crimes

political crimes

reluctant (adj) reluctance (n): sự miễn cưỡng hesitant, unwilling eager, keen, enthusiastic  
treatment (n) treat (v): chữa trị, đối xử therapy, cure, healing, remedy damage, injury, disease, hurt, sickness receive a treatment

operative treatment

be in the treatment for sth

conclude (v) conclusion (n): sự kết luận finish, end, close begin, start, open  
competent (adj) competence (n): năng lực, khả năng capable, skilled,

 fit, qualified

incompetent, untrained  
expertise (n) expert (n): chuyên gia experience, knowledge, skill   academic expertise

a high degree of expertise

unfamiliar (adj) familiarity (n): sự thân mật, hiểu rõ

familiarize (v): làm quen với

fresh, new, unknown familiar, old  
anxiety (n) anxious (adj): lo lắng fear, upset, stress, angst calm, peace, ease suffer from anxiety

alleviate anxiety

extreme (adj) extremely (adv): cực kỳ overmuch, ultimate moderate, nearest  
enthusiasm (n) enthusiast (n): người hâm mộ

enthusiastic (adj): nhiệt tình

craze, passion, excitement unconcern, lack of interest convey an enthusiasm

a lack of enthusiasm

reject (v) rejection (n): sự từ chối ignore, refuse, decline accept, approve, advocate formally reject

have the right to reject

fortunately (adv) fortunate (adj): may mắn luckily unfortunately, unluckily  
modify (v) modification (n): sự chuyển đổi alter, change, transform maintain, stay, unfit constantly modify

highly modified

implement (v) implement (n): đồ đạc, dụng cụ apply, fulfill abandon, misuse adequately implement

be obligated to implement

Lời Kết

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